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"...im too fucking short for this..."

Jaemin felt his head pushing in pain, he couldnt feel his body but he could hear his feet dragging against the ground.

He could feel his throat burning and his body aching worse than ever before. 

The last memories came back to him.

He was in bed with Lucas.

Jaemin didn't know who was with him because he didnt have enough strength yet to open his eyes.

It clearly wasn't Lucas.

His arm was slung over shoulders that were way shorter than Lucas' would be and shorter than his own.

But the arm around his waist and the sweaty hand gripping his own made the previous overbearing hands come back to his mind.

"What the hell-"

Jaemin panicked and groggily pushed himself away from whoever it was, his head swirling as he tripped over his heels and landing on his butt.

A cry left his lips as he felt his bones and bruises shaking down to his core.

"Hey hey what are you doing-" The voice tried to call out to him.

'No!" Jaemin's sore throat screeched, his eyes refusing to open but his hands also refused to push him away no matter how hard he tried. "

He couldnt even feel his fingers.


"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Jaemin felt his heart race harder. "I-i beg you please-"

"Jaemin," The voice panicked and a hand made its way onto Jaemins shoulder.

"No-" Jaemin gargled a bit, almost choking on his own saliva.

"Jaemin! I'm not gonna hurt you," The voice said gently, assuringly. "I just wanna take you home."

Jaemins eyes busted open at the word him and he came face to face with the same boy he made eye contact with in lunch.

Huang Renjun's worried face with staring right at his.

"Please," Renjun pleaded with him, giving his shoulder another firm shake. "Let me take you somewhere safe. You've had a long night."

Jaemin felt his knuckles subconsciously scratch against the concrete beneath his, no doubt cutting them open.

"Hey don't do that-" Renjun tried to gently bring his hands up from the ground but Jaemin's whimper stopped him.

"W-what happened? D-did h-he t-take my-" Jaemin could only comprehend his words, not seeing that his body had begun to shake.

"No," Renjun shook his head immediately, running his hands up and down Jaemins arms. "He didn't. He..."

"Please tell me," Jaemin grabbed onto Renjuns wrist tightly as the older hesitated to speak.

"He drugged you with a rag..." Renjun started, trying his absolute best to keep his tone soft for such harsh words. "I ran in and he...he was forcing you to blow him...he had ripped off most of your clothes..."

Jaemin shook as he looked down at his clothes. His skirt was gone, he was left in his black spandex shorts and his hoodie had been mostly ripped, barely dangling on his body.

He felt a sickness creep up into his throat at the thought of giving Lucad a blow job.

Forced against his will.

"I was lucky to get there just in time...uh Mark helped get him off you, he's a friend of mine. I dont know if you know Mark Lee," Renjun rambled a bit but soon stopped when Jaemins face contorted to confusion.

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