"But now here you are... Vyla, you are, like me... Half Jinn..."

I was in disbelief. "You're absolutely crazy... My mother couldn't be... that old..."

"Jinn don't age like regular humans... I've been around for an entire millennium..." The Witch replied. "Only time will tell which parts of the Jinn race you inherited..." She mumbled. "You clearly have the beauty and intellect."

My mind raced... I wondered if Luc, or even my father at that, knew about mother's past. Luc, that meant he was half Jinn too...

"Vyla... You must carry on the race of Jinn..." She extended a hand. "I'm asking you to join me... Let us rule over Narnia. You're not related by blood but race... You shall be princess. and I know just the person to be your king."

I looked at her hand before spitting at her.

"I'd rather die. We both know you did nothing to deserve that self-given crown on your head. And we also know that the Sons of Adam and the Daughters of Eve will return and take what's rightfully theirs. Aslan will return and-" I was cut off by the dwarf punching me in the stomach again.

This time I fell to my knees in pain, catching my breath.

"You were arrested for helping a Narnian... I offered you safety for your traitorous deed... And this is how you repay me... By spitting in your queen's face."

"You are not my queen. You will never be. My mother was waiting for the day that Aslan returned. She believed and she taught me to believe too."

The Witch paused.

She motioned to someone behind me.

"Vy?" I looked over my shoulder and another one of the Witch's minions pushed my dad to his knees next to me.

"Papa?" I asked feeling tears come to my eyes.

He looked past me and to his side before looking back at me.

I knew who he was looking for. Luc... As far as I knew the Witch didn't know about him.

"He's safe," I whispered in his ear.

"Good... I love you Vy..." My dad said as he held my face and looked into my eyes.

"How heartwarming... Now take them to their cell till I figure out what to do with them..." She mumbled.

They threw us into the same cell which I was happy about.

"You're sure he's safe?" My dad asked as he looked at my bruised face.

I nodded. "You know him, he hides in the trees." I smiled.

"Yes, he does..." dad chuckled.

"Papa?" I asked as he licked the corner of his tunic and dabbed the cut on my lip.

"Yes, my dear?"

"Did you know mom was a Jinn?"

He paused as he took his hand away.

"Yes...... Your mother and I met when I was young... I didn't know till after we were married and Luc was born that she was not a human... and I found out because... When Luc was born there were complications during his birth. Complications that should have killed her. But nothing happened to her... And I was so confused as to why she was still alive... And then she told me that she wasn't human... But I still loved your mother, more than anyone. And the reason she kept her identity hidden was because of the White Witch... She was the reason their whole race was wiped out, and that your mother ran away to the safety of Narnia. She didn't know that her troubles would follow her."

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora