Chapter Fifty-One: Plans

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Sam didn't think he'd ever seen her look so...scared. Of course, he hadn't been around to see her reaction when he went missing as a kid.

"We're targets now. These people know we exist," Sam told her. Voice starting to falter, he added, "As long as we're around, you guys are in danger, too."

Mom turned. "Veronica?"

Veronica let out a long, exhausted sigh. "I hate to say it, but Sam's right about us going." She swallowed. "Not only will we be safer if we go to this ship, but you will be too. Scorpion would do anything to get their hands on us."

Mom was quiet for a long moment. Finally, softly, she said, "I want to speak with these Newmans before I even consider letting you go with them."

"But you'll consider it?" Sam asked.

Mom exchanged a look with Dad. "We need to talk about this."

While their parents talked quietly, Simon climbed out of the car and ran over, demanding to hear every detail of where Sam and Veronica had been.

"It's a long story," Sam told him. "There was a dangerous artifact in the lab outside of town, and—"

Veronica cleared her throat. "The Newmans are here," she said, pointing toward the van pulling up behind them.

Oh. "Okay, we'll tell you the full story soon," Sam promised Simon. "Okay?"

Simon nodded eagerly.

"My parents should be here in a minute, too," Summer added from the van's open doorway, weakly clutching her phone.

Veronica moved to help Summer climb out of the van. Once she was out, Summer leaned against the side of the vehicle and took a deep breath. She kept her hand pressed to her abdomen.

"You're not still bleeding, are you?" Sam asked.

Summer shook her head. "Raveena stopped the bleeding, and she said nothing important was hit. But there's still some internal damage that needs to be addressed." She looked up and smiled. "I should be okay a while longer, though."

The Newmans hopped back out of their van. Sam jogged over to meet them. "Our parents are still discussing everything," he said. "But I don't think they're keen on the idea of sending us off with strangers."

"I can tell them about our experience, and what we know about Scorpion," Charles said. "But I'm not going to try to push them in either direction."

Beth peered around Sam. "Is Summer okay?"

"Uh, sort of," Sam said. "She was shot."

"Shot?" Beth's voice rose in alarm. "Why didn't you mention that sooner?"

Sam winced and threw a glance at his parents to make sure they hadn't heard that. They were stressed enough as it was. "Raveena patched her up as much as she could, so she's doing okay right now," he explained. "But she couldn't heal her all the way."

Charles shook his head. "Well, if she's been walking around and conscious, that's a good sign. But she needs medical attention as soon as possible. She might need surgery."

"We have a medical wing on our ship," Beth added. "Our doctors should be able to help her."

She and Charles walked past Sam to where Mom and Dad waited. While they all chatted, Sam and Veronica helped Summer walk to meet her parents. It was slow going, and despite how close the Lus had parked, it took a couple of minutes to reach them.

"They know about my plans to apply to the Defenders Alliance, anyway," Summer said as they drew closer. "So hopefully I can convince them going to the Fortuna is a good start."

"Even though you got shot?" Sam asked skeptically.

Summer shrugged.

Veronica cleared her throat. "Are you okay if we go talk to our parents for a minute?" she asked.

Summer took a tentative step forward, away from the support of Sam and Veronica, and nodded. "I'll be okay. See you guys in a few."

They left Summer with her family and returned to theirs. Mom and Dad had apparently finished asking the Newmans questions, as the Newmans were now waiting back by their van while Mom and Dad talked with each other in low voices.

Sam and Veronica approached them as their conversation died out. Neither of their expressions gave much away. "So, what do you guys think?" Sam asked.

Mom sighed. "My parents invited us to stay with them since they're our only family who lives anywhere close. But their place is small, and we can't stay with them indefinitely. But while we sort out where to go after that..." She looked at Dad.

"We both worked in town. Money will be tight until we can find new jobs," Dad said bluntly. "So, if you kids want to stay on this research vessel, it will certainly be...easier. In some ways."

"But to be clear, if you want to come join us at any time, we would bring you back in a heartbeat."

Mom sounded close to tears. Sam looked down and nodded.

"Of course," Veronica said. "But—people are after us now. This won't just make things easier on you guys, but it will keep you safe. Especially Simon." Her gaze flickered to the car where their younger brother waited.

"And the fact that they can sort out school for you kids will help, too," Dad added. "So that you can still go to college this fall."

After a long moment, Mom said, "We want to hear from you every day."

"Of course," Sam said.

"And don't do anything reckless. We're only letting you do this because it sounds like the safest place for you right now."

"If anything changes, call us," Dad added.

The next few minutes turned into a tearful stream of goodbyes, mixed with endless reassurance from Sam and Veronica that they would be safe.

Deep down, Sam had to admit he didn't completely believe they'd be escaping danger. But that didn't change the fact that this was still the best option.

Summer had managed to keep herself composed long enough to persuade her parents to let her go as well, partially by convincing them that training with other altered would be good preparation for the Defenders Alliance. After they said their goodbyes, Summer's family drove off, and Sam and Veronica's left a few minutes after.

Now all they could do was wait for the others.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora