Chapter Eighty Six

Start from the beginning

"He's in the cafe, bring Rana and watch him, if he leaves the cafe stall him."

Wang Lei didn't give Ala time to talk as he hung up, he was already outside once the call ended and he started running to where Ala had said Wang Xei left the first time. He couldn't afford to waste time dropping Karo off somewhere so he had to take him along. Wang Lei ran so fast Karo's body was pushed into his bosom. It took Wang Lei less than a minute to reach the edge of the bush and he slipped into the cover of trees where it was less dense. Wang Lei paid attention to the ground and saw there was a slight difference in the dirt where feet had walked multiple times.

He didn't know how long Wang Xei would stay in town since the last time, he only stayed for ten minutes. Karo didn't squirm or make a noise as he tucked his body into the Wang Lei's. Though his eyes were cast down, Wang Lei's ears worked hard to stay aware of the sounds coming behind him. He didn't know if he could trust the cafe worker to stall Wang Xei well enough to not give off the feeling of being played as well as Ala and Rana keeping him preoccupied. Wang Lei sprinted with his longs legs for almost a full minute when he heard hurried steps chasing after him. No time was wasted as Wang Lei bent down, still running at full speed and whispered in Karo's ear.

"Run along this path until you find a house, knock on the door and say Wang Lei sent you."

En. Karo could only grunt since his face was pressed into Wang Lei's chest, instead of being scared in the situation he was excited to help Wang Lei and was determined to catch the rat. Wang Lei let go of Karo with one hand to take the plate that still had cake on it. He swiftly turned Karo around to face the front then pushed him forward. As soon as Karo took off running, Wang Lei flipped around. The plate flew through the air before it was suddenly swept away, Wang Xei moved both hands swiftly to slap the cutlery that came flying at him afterwards. With both men facing each other, Wang Xei spoke first.

"I should've known you would stay and send your little followers back."

Neither Wang Xei or Wang Lei moved forward, they stood in place while sharing a few words with one another. Wang Lei's voice was relaxed as he spoke to his older Brother, as if they were on friendly terms.

"I was more surprised that you would let Mother go to her death so easily, I thought you were her little dog, following her around like some bitch."

"Hehe, Shouldn't you be thanking me? If it wasn't for me, Mother would've had you dragged away from that island too. You should know there are a lot of things you don't know little Brother. Besides, I like Wang Bao a lot more than that wrench."

Wang Xei took a lazy step forward before continuing his speech, his voice a little playful.

"I actually found something interesting about our baby Brother. He has a thing for...How should I say this? The thought of being fucked by his Brother is what really gets him hot and bothered, I'm surprised he fell for a Giant since he loves you so much."

Wang Lei stayed where he was, his face was plain as if what Wang Xei was saying didn't surprise him at all.

"Save the gossip. I know Bao better than most and I already know about his feelings, just like I know about yours. What, got bored of bullying me so you started looking at Bao?"

"Hehe, you're a smart cookie. How are your wounds?"

Just as Wang Xei said that, he closed the last few steps between them and struck Wang Lei's face with his fist, it was blocked quickly but his hands moved quickly to hit Wang Lei on his chest. Although Wang Lei was mostly healed now, he was still tender and grunted in pain while trying to catch his breath. The wind had almost been knocked from his lungs but Wang Lei's hands and feet didn't stop moving. The two Brother's traded hit after hit until they were both tired and gasping for air. Wang Xei as well as Wang Lei had bruises all over their bodies, both men stopped throwing their hands and stepped away from one another. Wang Lei coughed violently and spat out a mouthful of blood, in front of him, Wang Xei leaned back and gasped for air before pulling his arm with a hard tug, a pop was heard and his arm moved back into place. Wang Xei was the first to speak while still a little out of breath.

"Let me come back to the palace and I'll stop being a brat."

"....Why do you want to come back, shouldn't you hate that place? Both Bao and I do."

"Like I said Lei, there are a lot of things you don't know. I want to see Father and say a few things to him, since I didn't have the chance."

Wang Lei finally stood up straight even though his stomach was shouting in protest, Wang Xei was standing straight as well with a look of determination. Wang Lei looked his Brother in teh eyes before agreeing.

"Fine. But a few rules first. No more whatever you have been doing with Bao and stop trying to kill me, it's getting annoying."

"Fine by me.... You can't blame me if Bao starts following me around though."

Wang Lei rolled his eyes while turning around, both men hobbled their ways through the bush, heading towards the cabin where Wang Bao was.

. . . . . . .

Once Wang Lei let go of Karo, he ran as fast as his little legs could take him. The path wasn't obvious but he could still make his way and soon, Karo could see the cabin peek through the trees. His round face was red with hints of cake still around his lips but he was too focused on his mission to care. Karo pushed his legs to move a little more until he was a few steps away from the door, his heart pounded just as hard as his clenched fists banging on the door. On the other side he could hear slow steps but no one came to the door. Karo pounded on the door a little more before his childish voice shouted loudly.

"Were you stolen by a handsome rat!? Wang Lei sent me to rescue you!"

With that, the door swung open immediately and Wang Bao looked down to see Karo staring up at him with round eyes, the little boy's face was extremely sweaty which made Wang Bao a little concerned.

"Have some water first, did my Brother send you?"

"Thank you. Yes he did and I'm here to save you!"

Wang Bao felt this boy was too similar to Rara and led him inside before giving him a glass of juice, Karo gulped it down, leaving a wet mustache on his upper lip. His large eyes looked around before landing on Wang Bao's stomach.

"Is there an egg growing in your belly? Mama told me a person's belly is round because they are growing another person inside them."

"Human's don't lay eggs....But there is a child in my belly."

Karo walked over and rubbed Wang Bao's stomach over the shirt before he pressed his mouth to the lump.

"Hellooo, can you hear me~?"

Wang Bao liked this boy's character and ruffled his head before they heard the door swing open, revealing both of Wang Bao's older Brothers looking worse for wear.

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