• Shin Amnesia - Start over

Start from the beginning

But the urge to enjoy that moment with you was overwhelming. Shin ran his hand trough his hair and let out an exasperated sigh closing his eyes in the proces while trying to not let the negative emotions take over

And when he wasn't looking you caught a glimpse of him. You frowned but stayed calm. Toma sensed you discomfort and followed your gaze. Seeing you spotting his best friend he smiled sadly at you " hey, don't worry I'm sure he won't do anything" he patted your head in reassures

You hummed but still didn't take your eyes of him. 

However you stift when he suddenly stared right back at you.

E/c and red eyes locked onto one another. This was probably the longest time you had done that.

However strangely enough you didn't feel uneasy like two seconds ago. The sudden uncomfortable feeling seemed to vanish and was replaced with a new sensation.

Warmth and safety

It was only now that you noticed how beautiful his eyes actually where. And looking at them made your heart beat increase and your cheeks started to feel warm. The same could be said for Shin, he was shocked as well

" You okey Y/n?" Heroines sweet voice broke you out of your trance

" Yeah.. " you hesitantly answered

" Do you wanna go talk to him? " Toma questioned " We accompany with you"

Bitting the inside of your cheek you thought about it. Whether or not if it was a good idea. You then started to bite your nails and this made your friends chuckled. This was a habit of yours that would happen whenever you where nervous or deep in thought " You don't have to decide right away, you can talk to him later"

Heroine hummed in agrement and linked her arm with yours, dragging you along with her to a nearby shop she wanted to visite.

This however made Shin's lips turn into a straight line. For a second he thought that you would come to him. Rubbing his eyes he felt like an idiot for getting his hopes up.

" Damnit" he cursed under his breath

" Don't sweat it, she'll talk to you sooner then you think" Toma patted his back

Shin was startled a bit from his friend sudden appearance behind him " What makes you think that " he folded his arms over his chest and leaned next to a nearby tree 

" My instinct " The blond simply stated

" You expect me to trust your gut feeling " Shin deadpanned

" Yep " Toma chuckled

" Get lost" He slapt his friend on the back of his head and went home


Stretching his arms Shin got up from his desk and went to the kitchen to grab some food. He had been studying for the last couple of hours and didn't see time flow by. Only when his stomach rumbled did he notice how late it was.

Opening his food cabinet he grabbed a bag of instant noodle. Not the healthiest choice but he had to study some more for the upcoming exams so he didn't want to spent much time on cooking. Pouring water into the kettle he set it on the stove and turned it on. Grabbing a bowl he opened the package and put the content in it.

Waiting for the water to boil he scrolled trough his phone.

When the kettle started to whistle he turned off the stove and poured the water into the bowl of noodles. The sent was already overwhelming his nose strings making him all the more hungrier. He walked back to his room and settle down. And just as he was about to take a bite the door bell rang.

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now