Chapter Eighty Three

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"Rats are hard to catch, hopefully he doesn't eat your Brother."

For the first time in a while, Wang Lei laughed and he rubbed Karo's head.

"How old are you, Karo?"

"I'm six."

Karo puffed his chest out proudly at his age and Wang Lei patted his head. Once Old Liu and Mr LIu had had their reconnection, they sat down. Old Liu looked around but saw no sign of Wang Bao, he went to ask but before he could say anything, Mr Liu informed him about everything, including Wang Bao's pregnancy. The table was quiet except for Karo who had taken his plate back to finish the last of his food. Wang Lei was tired and sore while sitting at the table, Old Liu saw the look on his face and reached across the table, dropping the keys for their room in Wang Lei's hand.

"Go have a sleep my King, we can think of something tomorrow."

"Get a room for Ala and Rana as well as yourselves. Karo are you coming with me?"

En. Karo stuffed the last of his eggs into his mouth then dropped from his seat to walk with Wang Lei, holding his hand tightly while they walked up stairs to the room. In the room, Wang Lei undressed from his armoured clothing then soaked in the bath. While he was at the farm, Old Liu had already washed Karo but he still came into the bathroom. He first sat beside Wang Lei reading a book he had found in the room but soon became bored of it. Wang Lei could tell the small boy was wanting to get in the tub but was hesitant to ask. Wang Lei's voice was lazy as he leaned back into the water.

"Karo, you don't get anything in this world if you don't ask for it."

"...Can I hop in with you?"

En. Wang Lei grunted and before he knew it Karo was undressed, stepping into the tub with a happy face. The faucets for the water were in the middle of the tub so Wang Lei simply reached over to add more water while pouring in half the bottle of body wash. Soon the tub was overflowing with bubbles and Karo giggled loudly while throwing bubbles all over the room. Wang Lei let Karo play however he wanted while he relaxed. He didn't want to think about his Mother or Wang Bao, he especially didn't want to think about Nera and how far away he was.

Wang Lei was deep in thought when he suddenly felt something touch his face, once he opened his eyes he saw that there were bubbles covering his entire face, when he wiped it off Karo burst out into a fit of laughter. His own face was covered in bubbles making him look like a laughing cloud. Wang Lei chuckled at Karo's childish mind, it reminded him too much of Wang Bao and the time they would spend together as children. With his large hands, Wang Lei wiped the bubbles from Karo's face.

"Okay little bubble monster, time to get out."


Karo listened well and stepped out of the tub, pulling a towel off the rack for Wang Lei then himself. Wang Lei simply wrapped it around his waist before taking Karo's towel to dry him off. During his play time with the bubbles, Karo's new clothes had gotten soaked so he was kept in the towel. Wang Lei was fully exhausted now and laid down on the bed, it wasn't long before Karo crawled up to lay beside him. He wasn't tired at all but still laid beside Wang Lei. His quiet voice trying to soothe Wang Lei.

"I used to catch frogs in the summer, I was really good at it too. I can help you find the rat that stole your Brother."

"Thank you."

Karo nodded seriously before patting Wang Lei's head. To keep Karo from getting bored, Wang Lei gave Karo his phone to do whatever then fell asleep.

. . . . . . . .

Wang Xei gently rowed the boat while whistling a light tune, every so often a bird would mimic his tune before it faded out and he would start a new song. He knew Wang Bao would be waking soon so he didn't bother with trying to stay quiet, even though he had stayed up all night his mood was bright thinking about stealing Wang Bao away from everyone else. While Wang Xei was reveling in his win, Wang Bao slowly woke up. Because he could hear the river and was wrapped snugly in blankets, he thought he was still in Wang Xei's house, however he soon realised this wasn't the case when he was fully awake and felt the rockiness from the water. Wang Bao instantly sat up and looked around, seeing nothing but water and trees all around. Wang Xei grinned at Wang Bao's mess of hair before speaking happily.


"What the hell is going on?! Where are we? Where's Mr Liu?!"

Wang Bao continued to snap his head from side to side trying to make sense of what was going on, Wang Xei didn't say anything as he watched Wang Bao have his mild freak out, chuckling from amusement before finally explaining the situation.

"Don't worry about that old man, I left him and our Mother with Wang Lei. He should already be heading back to the palace now with his payment."

"What?! Take me back!"

Wang Bao stuck his hands into the water in a feeble attempt to stop the boat from moving forward but all that accomplished was turning his fingers blue. Wang Xei laughed loudly, he thoroughly enjoyed seeing Wang Bao act this way and felt his decision was definitely a good idea.

"I'm not taking you back. I traded Mother for you, Wang Lei should be happy. I was going to kill her once she came back as well as those old people. I would've killed that Mr Liu and you as well but you proved yourself to be quite interesting."

"You're crazy! Take me back now, I want to see my Brother and Nakai."

At the end of his sentence Wang Bao's voice was quiet but Wang Xei still caught what he had said, his eyes narrowed before he silently opened the bag in front of him. Wang Bao was handed a container of food and he angrily ate it, making sure to face away from Wang Xei so the flavour wouldn't be tainted. Wang Xei was back to his cheery mood once he saw Wang Bao's sour face, Wang Bao refused to talk to Wang Xei once his food was done. They swiftly made their way down the river for a few more hours before Wang Xei directed the boat towards a small wharf. When they had docked, Wang Xei stood up effortlessly and stepped out of the boat. Wang Bao refused to move and Wang Xei crouched down, making a move to pick him up. Before he could get a hold of Wang Bao, the man was shooing him away and tried to stand by himself. Wang Bao's balance wasn't as great as Wang Xei's since he didn't spend a lot of time on the water and he almost slipped back into the river. Wang Xei tugged on his flailing arm then hoisted him up to stand on the wharf beside him.

"Are you able to walk on land or do you need help with that too?"

Wang Bao balled up his fist and punched Wang Xei, holding none of his strength back while doing so. Wang Xei took the beating and even complimented Wang Bao afterwards.

"You have good form, you're not that weak either."

Wang Bao felt he couldn't win with this man and slumped down before talking properly.

"Where are we going? I'm sick of your games."

Wang Xei smiled down at Wang Bao before turning around, whistling a light tune again as he walked forward. There was a dirt path he walked along which meant the area was frequented enough to not grow grass. Wang Bao stomped his feet angrily before balling up the blankets and followed Wang Xei.

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