"What happened?" Jay asked, tearing the tape off of his parent's mouths, "Who did this to you?"

"Sweetheart, you came." Edna said with a slight hiss. Anirei gasped and took a step back, knowing just by the sound of Edna's voice what had happened to them.

"You gotta get out of here." Ed said, "You shouldn't have come. It's the snakes."

"The bite of the Fangpyre." Sensei Wu stated, "Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete."

"And judging by how their tails are growing, we must stop this as soon as possible." Anirei said, grabbing the attention of the others.

"How do you know about that?" Kai asked.

"My knowledge of the Serpentine is unimportant at the moment. Our priority is to reverse the transformation."

All of a sudden, the loud hiss of many snakes reached their ears. When they turned to face the hissing, they saw several red and white Serpentine and a large green wrecking ball, however, it was staring at the group.

"Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?" Cole asked as the ninja prepared to fight.

"Duck!" Jay shouted. The wrecking ball came swinging at the ninja as they hit the dirt in order to avoid the attack.

"Thanks, son." Ed hissed.

"Lloyd!" Sensei Wu shouted, looking upwards at the pile of junk standing over them. Anirei froze in place, quickly turning to where Sensei Wu was looking. Her heart stopped when she saw the one she was looking for. The boy in the dark hood, but held a kind and bright heart.

The friend she has been searching for for almost two years now.

"Hello, uncle." Lloyd said standing next to the Fangpyre general, "Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you've brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash."

As Lloyd cackled in his evil deeds, Anirei growled underneath her mask and stepped forward in her anger and disappointment.

"LLYOD MONTGOMERY GARMADON!!" She screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone around her, "Do you have any idea what you have done?! Releasing the Fangpyre and the Hypnobrai? You have thrown everything out of balance by releasing the Serpentine!"

Lloyd was shocked by this stranger shouting his full name, so he laughed once again and pointed at the child in silver.

"And who are you to say all those things to me, Lloyd Garmadon!" He shouted back.

Anirei sighed and lifted her hand to her mask and hood, removing them for all to see who this girl really was.

Her face was round and soft, free of any blemishes of any kind. Her eyes, normally hidden behind her mask, were now shining the brightest blue color anyone had ever seen, but her forehead was creased in her anger towards Lloyd. Her hair was short, barely passing her shoulders in soft waves.... but there was something strange about its color.

When could you ever say that a child had natural silver colored hair?

Lloyd was shocked upon seeing the girl's face, cautiously taking a step back in his shock.

"R-Rei?" He stuttered, "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing, Lloyd!" Anirei shouted and pointed at the young boy, "I had hoped that rumors were just that, rumors. But now that I am seeing you here with my own eyes, I can say that I am disappointed in your actions. Releasing the Serpentine and endangering all of Ninjago? What happened to the kind boy who saved my life all those years ago? Where is the boy I called my friend?"

The Child of SilverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin