Chapter 14: I Misunderstand Too Much

Start from the beginning

"You have encroached on Hale Land, that which is Argent Protected! You attacked the Pack that protects this Land, allowing the real monster to escape! You allowed us to be exposed to Human Law Enforcement! Entirely failing the Council's Mandates! Which, by the way, without a Council Decree sent to the Argent Matriarch, means you hold no power here!" The Argent girl shouted at the men, her speech followed by growling.

"That means we are in our right to deal with you however we wish! Leave now or you will face consequences!"

"You are a disgrace to Hunters everywhere!" One of the men shouted, "Men!"

At his shout, all of the men began moving once more, only this time they were picking up any trace they could of the fight, including their fallen. When they approached to take the man who had been aiming at Stiles, Spencer moved his aim at them in case they tried anything with Stiles. They spared no glance at him or Morgan, but glared at Stiles, who had lowered his arms and took a defensive stance.

Soon, the only ones left were him and Morgan and the group of teenagers they had followed in. And the giant black wolf. That was walking towards Stiles.

"Stiles, move!" He shouted.

"Don't shoot!" Stiles raised his arms again.

"What the fuck is going on here!" Morgan shouted, gun still raised, though he kept changing aim as he surveyed the group.

Spencer looked them over, most all of them had tattered clothes, though no visible wounds, and they were covered in dirt and blood, an unusual sight for a group of teens.

"I can explain!" Stiles sounded desperate, "But you have to let us go now! If you're here, then that means backup is on its way, they can't see us here!"

"They already know we followed you in, kid." Morgan said.

"Tell them we went south, we have a cabin there. Tell them you were waiting and heard noise from the opposite direction and followed that in, tell them you found the killer but she got away." A man said, standing back from the group.

"The killer?" Spencer muttered.

"The woman that got away, she was the killer." Stiles said.

"Whether you mention the other guys, that's up to you. You could say they and the killer were the ones to get in a fight, long over once you got here." The man spoke again.

Stiles stared at him, a look of pleading in his eyes.

"No way are we-"

"Okay." Spencer said, cutting off Morgan.


"Morgan, let them go."


"Morgan, trust me ." They stared each other down, and Spencer saw when Morgan gave in.


At that, the group immediately fled. Stiles looked at him and mouthed a thank you. As soon as they all left, Morgan turned to look at him, "What the hell was that?!"

"This is clearly bigger than we know, did you see them? They were doing fine on their own against a group of armed men, without any weapons. They had a domesticized giant wolf that was clearly a trained attack animal. And they managed to track, find, and almost capture a serial killer. Did you hear Allison Argent? The way she spoke? She was able to turn them away with words. And the words? The terminology? This is way above the gang wars we speculated, above mafia wars even. We have no idea what is going on, and if we let them get taken in we could put them in danger, and lose any progress on the real killer because everyone will assume it was them."

"You really think the woman Stiles was gonna bring a bat down on is the killer?"

"Yes, her hair matched what we caught on the camera tapes. And Stiles would never hurt an innocent person."

Morgan contemplated his words, "Are we really not going to tell Hotch and the others?"

He shook his head, "If we do they won't tell us anything."


The two headed back out of the woods, backup still hadn't arrived, but they could hear the sirens getting closer. They made their way back to the car, noticing that all the vehicles had been moved, and that there was a note on the windshield.

'We parked on a different entrance, a block or two straight ahead'

Spencer recognized Stiles' writing, and passed the note to Morgan, who passed it back once he read it. Spencer immediately crumpled it and shoved it in his bag to dispose of later.

They waited in silence for the others to arrive, mulling over the strangeness of the night.

I Have Friends In Not So Heavenly Spaces {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now