Chapter 14 - confused

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Lucy Pov

I'm not sure if i should complain or be happy, my sleep pattern today has been off the charts... I kept waking up and going back to bed with all the guys tucking me in. It's weird as shit but sad to say I'm a psycho, cause I love having them around. I even almost asked them to stay in the room they gave me. It's just crazy, my attraction towards these guys keeps growing... Making me wonder if i can really live with them so close.

I get up from the bed and rush to the washroom. It's so beautiful here. There is a bathtub and shower, like these guys are rich. I never thought this would be possible and from what I understand all the rooms are like this. All beautiful in their own way. I get myself ready for the day. I'm picking Cindy at the airport. I put on a pair of jeans and a white blouse. I'm keeping it simple today. I apply some makeup but not too much.

*knock knock*

"Come in" Jalyen walks in.

"You good?"

"Im fine, i feel a bit tired but i'll survive, how are you"

"I'm good, I was wondering if you would like to join us for breakfast"

"Yes please, am so thankful for the hospitality you guys are offering me. To be honest i don't deserve it"

"This is not hospitality... " he poses for a bit " Its friendish ship, what i'm trying to say is we care about you..." looking at my confused face it's like he corrects himself " And you have no family here, how can we leave you in this big city"

"Thank you, Jaylen" I say with a faint smile, all he said just confused me but one thing i know for sure is that i'm really grateful.

"Come, let's go downstairs" he says standing up and offering me his hand, I take it. There is this thing when our hands collid, it's like a spark but i don't put much mind to it. I let go of his hand when I'm on my feet and offer him a smile as he leads the way downstairs.

Getting downstairs Jack is in the kitchen making some pancakes.

"Good morning Lucy,how are you?" He says as Jaylen pulls out a chair at the kitchen counter.

"Good morning Jack, i'm fine thanks, how are you?"

Jack pov

"I'm good, how do you like your pancakes and what do you like them served with?"

'You show off.... Who even told you to make breakfast anyway ? Rosey could have done it' Jaylen mindlinks me

"I will take whatever you give me and thank, but would you like me to help you out?"

"No need at all, I'm almost done" Lucy is just something else, a normal woman would take advantage of this situation, and just let me do everything. But here she is offering a helping hand, man the Moon Goddess did good with this one.

'Just look at them eyes Jack, it's like looking at the sunrise at the beach' Zander suddenly says and I totally agree.

"What time was Cindy landing again?" Jaylen says stealing a bunch of pancakes without my permission.

'Jay watch it' i say giving him a death glare

"She will be here around 12:30, I was thinking of ordering a cub by 11.50. So that i would be in time for her arrival"

"And who said you will be taking a cub to pick her up" I say as I put a plate of pancakes and some apple juice infront of her

"Thanks a look for the food, but i was thinking that maybe you guys would be going to work, and i don't want to be a burden" She says so innocently

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