Oh well, I like whipped cream anyways

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I don't own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does
Thalia POV
"Nope, we're just goofing off.", everyone replied.
"Hey, Leo, what did you bring in that cart?", the guy Will introduced as Austin asked.

"Snacks!", Leo exclaimed, taking the top off his cart to reveal bags of candy, chips, cookies, and every other snack you could think of. He even brought soda. The soda that you ask for in the enchanted cups here at camp is almost always flat, to the point where soda is sold at a premium from the Hermes cabin. They probably have a small fortune from that by now, and they use it to buy materials for pranks.

The only weird thing in the cart was a cooler. Leo opened said cooler to reveal tubs of ice cream in every conceivable flavor as well as cans upon cans of whipped cream, caramel, chocolate sauce, and sprinkles.

"We are going to eat like kings and queens for the next couple days!", Leo excitedly exclaims. As much as the guy is annoying, it's times like these that make him tolerable.
"Ok, so let the Truth or Dare begin.", Annabeth says. "I'll go first", says the girl that Will introduced as Kayla. "Nico, Truth or Dare?", says Kayla. "Dare", Nico replies.

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Will for 15 seconds. On the lips. You two are dating anyways, so it's fine.", Kayla says. They kiss, much to the fangirling of Kayla, Austin, Jason, and Percy. I think everyone cheered at that. I snapped a picture on behalf of Kayla, who was not in a very good spot to take one, and had handed me her camera.

Apparently there's a Solangelo fan club at camp, and there's a prize of $100 for the person who can get the best picture of them kissing. The judges are Will and Nico themselves, surprisingly. They are out as gay to the whole camp, and I have to commend them on their bravery. Well, they didn't announce it, just kissed in every conceivable location in the camp to make sure everyone knew they were taken.

I'm sad I missed the fan club, but I'm only here to hang out with Percy and Annabeth, and I can't go back because of the storm. Apparently, they had expected the storm to not be as bad, and since the rain block had been enchanted to stay open for a week, we're at the storm's mercy until it stops.  Not even Jason can control a storm that big.  I hope nobody insulted my father recently, or else we're all in for it. 

The adorable couple stops kissing long after the 15 seconds is up. "Ugh, you two, get a room!", Percy joked, much to the enjoyment of everyone. "Kayla, I got your picture. I think you're gonna win that contest!", I say to Kayla, handing her her camera back.

"Thank you!", Kayla says. "Nico, your turn. And no, you cannot ask the person who asked you!" "Ok, wasn't planning on it. Jason, truth or dare?", says Nico.
"Truth, I know your dares will be awful, if you get a truth or dare from Nico, take the truth, trust me!", Jason says, panicking.  "Ok, Jason, What's your weirdest hobby?", says Nico. Jason's face turned white.

"I- I knit." Jason stammers out. "Wait, what,!", everyone says, surprised that such a tough guy does something as soft as knitting. "Well, where do you think all my beautiful hats and scarves came from? I sure didn't make them!", says Piper. 

I think back to yesterday, when it got very chilly for August, like maybe 40 degrees, and I saw Piper wearing a beautiful fluffy pink hat.  "Nice job, little bro!  It's not weird to do what you love.  Keep knitting, you could probably make some money selling them." I say to Jason.  "Also, please make me a silver hat.  We're hunting something in Canada in a couple months, and I hate the cold!"

"Sure, sis!", he replied.  "Okay, your turn, Jason!" Reyna said from across the room.  Oh, by the way, Frank is still on the ceiling as a bat, trying not to get noticed.  "Thalia, truth or dare?"  Oh well, I couldn't stay out of it forever.  "Dare!" I said.  It's Jason, whatever he picks won't be too bad. 

While he thinks, I grab a bowl of cookie dough ice cream, and spray an ungodly amount of whipped cream on top of it.  What, I like whipped cream.  Oh, did I mention that Leo also brought cherries.  I put a cherry on my ice cream, just in time for Jason to say,
"Thalia, I dare you to let us cover you in whipped cream.  Percy, Hazel, you're helping me!" 

I was not expecting that.  I'm tall, I really hope that Leo has backup whipped cream. 
Oh well.  It's not like I hate whipped cream.  If it had been grape jelly (another thing in Leo's huge cooler), I would have hated it.  I hate grape jelly.  I hate grapes, and by extension, everything grape flavored.  Jason doesn't know I hate grape jelly though, and now I'm glad he doesn't know. 

They come back armed with whipped cream, and start spraying.  Gods, that's cold.  They go for my face first.  It would be worse to wash out if I had long hair, but it's ok.  I open my mouth to say something, but Jason just sprays whipped cream into my mouth. I swallowed it before I choked.  They had already moved onto my legs, covering them and the floor with it. 

"Hey guys, that's enough!  We're not gonna have any more whipped cream for ice cream at this rate!, says Leo, who looks kinda sad they wasted his supplies. 
"I stole that fair and square", I hear him sadly whisper.  "Ok, we'll stop.",they say, leaving me to clean up.  Hazel slips some money into his hand.  "Sorry we wasted your supplies.", she says. 
"You didn't have to.  The whipped cream I stole from the kitchen, the snacks as a whole cost maybe $400, and they're meant to last all summer.", Leo replies.  "Eh, it was nothing.  My gems aren't cursed now, so money is no trouble!", Hazel replied.  Meanwhile, a giant glob of whipped cream fell from my hair and into my mouth.  Oh well, I like whipped cream anyways.
Author's note- I'm going to add Calypso next chapter, and the next POV will be Frank's. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I've got a new rule for the adding characters. One of the people in the Truth or Dare game has to know the character. I'm going to have a poll right here in the comments. If you want Grover added, comment Grover. If you want Lester added, comment Lester. If you want Tyson added, comment Tyson. I will put the new character in the tags. If nobody comments, I'll just pick one of them to put in the fourth

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