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FIFTH MADE SURE to tie the young brother tightly on the chair. Sole just found out about the plan that Fifth had been working last night.

The maids can’t do anything since it was ordered by Rome who also agreed to Fifth’s plan. “Teresa! May! At least turn your back from my father for just a second and help me!”

May let out a giggle as Teresa hopelessly shake her head, as soon as Fifth tightly tied him up in a chair, he let out a sinister smile and patted his shoulder.


“Fuck no!”

“That’s good then,” He walked a few feet away from him before looking at what he did to Sole, his smile grew even more at his own creation.

Sole struggle to get out of the tight ropes as he cursed Fifth non-stop. The older just ignored him and looked at the maids, “Are they all packed?”

“The car is ready, here” Teresa handed him the keys in which Sole yelled at her not to give it to him, “And this is the sleeping pills” She handed out a small plastic contained with two pills inside.

Fifth thanked her as he put the keys on his pocket, “You should inform me when they already talk and tell me if the outcome is good”

“Of course”

Sole yelled at him, “I don’t fucking trust you! Teresa! May! At least stop him for me! Your getting mad!”

The three silently laughed at him as May smiled and comment, “How can you say that to your future brother-in-law?”

The younger’s eyes widen, he stopped struggling as he looked at the three of them with horror in his face, “What?”

“Your dad didn’t tell you that your brother is dating this gentleman?” Teresa gestured at Fifth who has a smirk plastered at his face.

“Hey brother-in-law” He casually greets making Sole feel the horror, his body went numb and cold as he gained his voice to shout, “Fuck you! How can my brother date a mad bastard like him?!”

The two maids chuckled, “Oh Sole, his nice”

“Look at how his treating me! Are you two blind?!” Sole once again struggle to get out of the tied chair. The older on the other hand just snickered.

“In the future I’ll still treat you the same way I’m treating you now. Nice to meet you brother-in-law” He winked making Sole fakely puked as his soul almost left his body, he doesn’t even know how to act, should he even cry or be miserable.

The three just chuckled at his state as he looked at the two maids.

Fifth flashed a smile, “Thank you” He thanked as the two girls nod there head with a smile in there face as Fifth excused himself and went upstairs to Zero.

“Teresa! May! You traitors!” Sole ranted seeing Fifth left. Teresa and May couldn’t help but laugh lightly at how his reaction went as Sole started to beg at the two of them to let him go.

Fifth just chuckle hearing the plead from below as he walked towards his boyfriends bedroom. He opened the door after knocking as he saw Zero sitting on the bed reading a book.

The latter looked at him with a smile as he put his book down and adjust himself on the bed so that the two of them can sit down comfortably.

Fifth sat down beside him, “Are you ok now?” He asked as Zero nod with out answering him, “Is there something wrong?”

Zero silently smiled and shake his head, “Just a stupid thought”

“What stupid thought?” He asked as he stroke the youngers hair so that it wont hurt its eyes, "Its nothing to worry about” He replied as Fifth hummed knowing that he’ll eventually tell him later.

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now