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DRINKING HIS ICE tea, Fifth put the drink down after sipping a few. He cant believe that his actually studying just because of Zero's bet.

In front of his desk were the new textbooks, papers of assignments and handouts of new lessons, his head hurt just by looking at it.

He thought how can Zero tolerate all the students he taught? Is he even human? Letting out a deep sigh he sip his drink again before grabbing the textbook that he used last night.

Opening the page were Zero taught him he remember telling him to memorize the first letters and just read the rest so he won’t frustrate himself from memorizing it all.

Surprisingly Zero actually tutored him, the fact that there relationship goes up and down he still helped him to his dad’s request.

“Woah is it my eyes? Your actually reading a textbook?” Rain teasingly asked as he rubbed his eyes in confirmation.

Fifth glared at him, “Fuck off”

His other friends surround his desk, all of them were present except from Quian again. He had been in and out which they all think he ran off with Zero again because they always see him along with Zero.

“Quian is with your brother again, I just saw them pass by the corner” Megan inform as Fifth didn’t bother to answer her and fix his stuff so that they can have there snacks.

“Is his grade really failing?” William asked them and was confirm by Gabriel, “Yeah, I asked the teacher about it, his grade really does decreased”

Hearing it Fifth somehow felt a slight relief, stuffing the last paper in his bag he zipped it close and looked up to his friends.

“Forget him, he’ll join us if he has time. Wanna grab some snacks?” Fifth invites as the others agree, probably because they wanted to skip classes.

Packing up they all exited the room and go to the newly build café in the university, since they have there free time and skipped classes they chilled inside.

“Don’t you have any classes?” Gabriel asked three of his friends, both Jen and Rain ignore him, “Math’s a headache” Megan answered as she ate her ordered fresh cupcakes.

The others agree while Gabriel sighed at them, he was the only one more sensible other than Fifth, though he does skip but his grades were high.

They still don’t know about Zero tutoring him, Zero doesn’t want to let others know either that’s a relief.

As Fifth drank his new ice-tea, the group was having a good time until some crazy students started to enter the new café, they all glance at the door and saw four students fussing over.

One of them was Zero, he has his round glasses as he was scrunching his face while pushing his friends from getting him dragged.

“Hey its Zero!” Jen beamed seeing her junior crush entering the café being shove in the counter. Like they were hiding him.

“Hey stop that your making a scene!” He spat as he was completely shove in the counter and told the staff to hide him, just in time another person came inside, it was a professor.

The students inside were stun to see the professor probably thinking they were caught skipping classes or had done anything wrong, pointing at the three who was in the counter she scolded, “Where is Zero? I specifically told him not to skip so he can take the test”

Her strict voice boomed at the three as Ace calmly said to her, “Miss aren’t you over working him? His tutoring 80 plus students! Give him some rest”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now