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WIN POURED A glass of water for Zero who was sitting on the living room, he also gave him some pastries that he made earlier.

Setting them on the coffee table Zero thanked him as Win sat across him. “Are you sure you can talk this out on me rather than diamond?”

Zero nod, “Yeah, I just need someone to talk too, and its because my situation was just like Ace so…maybe you can relate on it”

Win gave him a smile, “I’ll try, I’m not a psychiatrist”

“It’s alright, I just need someone to give me there opinion and understand it at there own perspective” Zero assured as Win nod and gesture him to the glass of water.

“You should drink first” He add as Zero took the glass of water and took a sip on it, putting it down on the coffee table.

Zero started to talk.

“Do you kiss your own brother?” He asked as Winner chuckled at the question, “Of course, if I want to get back at him or tease him”

“In the lips?”

Win shake his head and poke his own cheek, “Because mine just kissed me on the lips” He blurted as Win stay silent.

“His not really my brother, his my step-brother. The situation at home is a bit uneasy and I’m helping my step-sister, but he seem suspicious at me,” Zero affirm as Win listened to every word he said.

“Then out of nowhere he must have enough of it then kissed me, not only that he also assume that I’m gay” He continued to tell Win the situation he had with his ‘brother’ as Win listened to him.

“Can I asked, before he kissed you, did you do something beforehand?” Win asked as soon as Zero finished explaining to him, he honestly nod.

“Yeah, one night. I did tell you we hate each others guts and I just flirtatiously threaten him, I still remember that sentence I said” Zero embarrassingly  said as he rubbed his face with one hand.

“What was that sentence?”

“One kiss one truth” Hearing that Win cant help but smile at it, he shake his head and started to understand his situation.

Zero on the other hand drank the glass of water, emptying it as he carefully place it back in the coffee table.

He let out a heavy sigh and rest his back on the couch, “You do know there's a part that you have a fault with?” Win begin and was answered by another pitiful groan.

“I know, I know…But I didn’t think he would actually do it!” He argue.

“Its good that you know,” Win stoke his chin the his nose, “Is your step-brother Fifth Storm?”

Zero nod, “I’ve accompany him once, his emotionless and has this cold aura around him. He seem a bit distant to others he don’t know but comfortable to the people he knows. He loves his sister am I right?”

“Yeah, he doesn’t even trust me with her if I took her out”

Win nod as he think for a moment, then he looked at Zero. “You know Zero, I would actually do the same if Ace do that to me, with or without our relationship”

Zero widen his eyes, “S-Seriously?”

Win agreed, “Yeah, I do have my brother. If his hiding something and Ace knew and gave me the same offer then I’ll definitely do it”

“It’s not an offer it’s a threat”

“It sounds like an offer Zero” Win approved as Zero scrunched his nose, “It’s a threat”

OFFICIALLY: CHAPTER ONEWhere stories live. Discover now