ch25; whole lotta love

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That saturday morning was blissful for all of Hogwarts. The sun was shining brightly, causing the January cold to be less chilling.

Marina felt some stirring beside her, causing her to wake up. When she looked to her side, she noticed a pair of feet, causing her to sit up right in confusion.

Apparently, Remus had been moving quite a lot in his sleep, which led to him with his feet on his pillow and head on the bed end.

Containing a giggle, Marina grabbed the blanket and placed it correctly over him, to prevent him getting cold feet. Apparently, the movement around him woke him up, causing him to blink tiredly as he patted the space next to him, only for him to touch Marina's feet. Marina laughed out loud at the cute expression on his face as he held her feet.

She then said,
"Good morning, sleepy head. I'll make us a cup of tea"

Upon hearing this, Remus shot up and crawled next to her,
"No no no, miss Edmonds. Today is my day to coddle you"

As he settled beside her, he put his arms around her shoulder and pulled her into his chest. He gave her a kiss on her forehead and started stroking her hair, while saying,

"A life without your love is like a life without peace,
there'd be misery without you
and my restless mind would never ease.
But now with you in my arms, I've experienced a warmth I never knew and forever will be."

Marina turned her head to face him, a smile adorned her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Because nothing in the world could describe the love that filled her heart this very moment.

So instead of saying anything, she just brought her lips to his and kissed him with all the love she could gather, trying to show him how much he means to her.

Remus happily returned the kiss, not even trying to suppress the smile which arose in his face.

He then pulled away and looked at her lovingly,

"Do you still want that tea?"

She let out a soft chuckle and nodded her head. Remus gave her a final kiss and got out of bed. While walking towards the kitchen area, he turned around and pointed his finger teasingly,

"Don't even dare get out of bed"

Marina put her hands up in mock surrender and said,
"Yes, sir"

She definitely didn't miss the flustered look on his face as he walked away, whispering to himself,

"God, what this woman does to me"


Marina was reading one of Remus' books when she suddenly heard a record scratch coming from the kitchen. Apparently, Remus had brought out his old record player. The music started playing as Remus started dancing happily along, completely oblivious that Marina was watching him with a big smile.

While putting the water up for boil, he started singing along the lyrics while holding a spoon as a microphone.

You've been learning
Um baby I been learning
All them good times baby, baby
I've been year-yearning

He was interrupted by soft giggles from the bed and he quickly he quickly turned around with a small embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

"No, no, continue. I wanna see the rest of the show", Marina said happily while clapping her hands together.

He rolled his eyes with a smile, but quickly returned to dramatically playing air guitar and singing along.

A-way, way down inside
I'm gonna give ya my love
I'm gonna give ya every inch of my love
I'm gonna give ya my love,
he sang as he pointed at Marina while walking closer to the bed. When he reached her, he quickly buried her in a massive tickle hug, causing her to giggle loudly.

The sound of her laughs was like sweet wine to him, addicting but so enchanting. He could listen to her for hours, which he often did. Together, they had a little tradition of reading books to each other while laying in each other's arms.

Remus stopped tickling her and looked her straight in the eyes. Smiles littered their faces as the love shone brightly from their eyes. Marina then took his face in her hands and closed the gap between them, electing the familiar sparks all over their bodies.

After a few moments of heavy making out, Remus broke the kiss and lend his forehead against hers. "I love you, Marina Iola Edmonds"

"I love you too, Remus John Lupin"


It was currently 8. pm and Marina was walking back from dinner. Although she and Remus had both breakfast and lunch in his quarters, they thought it'd be smart to have dinner in the Great Hall as not to draw suspicion to them.

What bothered her a bit though is that throughout dinner, she had not seen Harry. Hermione and Ron said they hadn't seen him as well, when she asked them, causing her to become quite worried. So, that's why she skipped dessert to look for Harry in the common room.

She arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady and entered through the portal. At first, everything appeared to be normal, but then she noticed the hunched figure intro t of the fire.


He got startled and turned around. The first thing that Marina noticed were his tear stained cheeks and could almost feel her heart breaking in two.


She was caught off by the sight of the Marauders Map lying open on the table in front of her. Confusion quickly turned to fear as she turned to look him into his eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak but he interrupted her by saying harshly,

"How long have you been sleeping with our teacher?"

sorry for the long time no updates, i've been busy with school:(. also, DID YALL SEE THE EUROVISION. IVE NEVER BEEN SO PROUD TO BE ITALIAN

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