ch21; back to school

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The rest of the holidays flew by fairly quickly for Marina; Christmas day was spent with her grandparents, who came all the way from Portugal, and on New Years, Oliver and Aurora came by. But other than that, nothing exciting really happened. Francisco was stuck with his strict parents, unable to even leave the house. He did sent her letters though, which he had to climb onto the roof in the middle of the night to be able to send them unnoticed.

But now, it was the last evening of vacation and Marina was currently packing her trunk to go back to Hogwarts. In the background was playing an Amália Rodrigues record, which she had gotten from her grandmother this Christmas.

Marina absolutely adored her grandmother, she was like her best friend. Her grandmother always understood her and they always had the giggles together, especially when her grandmother made another inappropriate sex joke. She actually told her grandmother about Remus, to which her grandmother just started laughing and then said that she also slept with a teacher when she was younger.

Suddenly, a knock was heard on her door,

"Come in", Marina said while continuing to pack.

The door opened and in came her mother. She lent against the doorframe and looked at her daughter, who was dancing around the room while folding a sweater.

"Hey querida"

Marina stopped twirling and turned to her mother with a smile,

"What's up?"

"You seem happy"

Marina scrunched her eyebrows together confused,
"What do you mean?"

Her mother just shrugged, the smile not leaving her face,

"Nothing, I just like it when you're happy"

Raising one eyebrow suspiciously, she replied with,


Her mother laughed loudly "Why are you staring at me like I'm going to kill you? Anyways, your father asked me to come get you, because he wants us to help him cook"

Marina sighed, "Can't we do that another time, I'm tired"

"Oh come on, you know how much your father loves it when you help. Remember when you and Valentín used to help, which for some reason always led to a massive food fight"

Marina looked at the ground, a small melancholic smile painting her face while she remembered all the good times with her brother.

"Fine, but I get to choose the music this time."

Her mother smiled brightly at her daughter while turning around to leave again. While walking away she said loudly,

"See you in an hour"

It was now 7.30pm and the family of three had started cooking. Anella was making the tagliatelle, Michael the garlic bread while Marina made the Puttanesca sauce.

The record player was playing the Beatles album Help!, which Marina had gotten from Remus last summer.

"So, you excited to go back to school?", her mother asked while rolling the dough.

Marina shrugged her shoulders, trying to act casual when in fact she was very excited to see Remus again. Although their situation was a bit complicated at the moment, she believed that after what happened at Christmas he might be willing to try again.

"I guess"

"What do you mean you guess, you're going to see all your friends again. This is supposed to be the time of your life, be excited!", her mother said with dramatic hand gestures.

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳 𝘳.𝘫. 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now