ch3; last days of summer

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It has now been a week since Marina started her casual fling with Remus and she is absolutely loving it. She loves waking up next to him, watching him scrunch his nose in his sleep, and wrapping his arms around her when she tries to leave.

But the thing she loved most was their comfortable silence. When they would both be reading a book on the couch, her head in his lap and nothing needed to be said. Sometimes she only pretended to read, just so she could listen to his breathing.

Right now, she was back home, having brunch with her parents. She wished she could invite Remus, but was pretty sure her parents wouldn't accept him. Plus, meeting parents isn't really apart of the whole casual thing. She didn't even realize she had zoned out when she suddenly saw a hand in front of her face.

"Honey, are you okay? You have been zoning out a lot lately. Have you been sleeping well?"
Her father asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine, just nervous for exams this year"

"Oh alright, if you say so. Have any plans for today?"

As much as she wanted to go back to Remus' place, she also realized she hadn't seen any of her friends. Harry also hasn't responded to any of her letters, so she planned on going to the Burrow. Not only to see her friends, but hoping Harry would be staying there.

After brunch, she wrote to Ms. Weasley, asking if she could come by today, to which she got an instant reply saying she is more than welcome. Marina smiled as she got ready. Not before writing a letter to Remus explaining where she would be going today. She also added a little box of bonbons with the letter, knowing his love for chocolate.

When she arrived at the Burrow, it was pure chaos. Everybody was running around while Ms. Weasley was screaming something at them. Ginny first noticed Marina and ran quickly to hug her. As soon as Ginny did that, the other Weasleys started noticing her too and before she knew she was engulfed in a massive bear hug.

After they finally let her go, Ms. Weasley had everyone sit down at the table to have lunch. Marina wanted to say no, because she had just eaten, but when she saw the food she couldn't resist.

"So, have any of you heard from Harry this summer?" She asked with a mouth full.

Ron frowned as he said "No, but who can blame him. He lives with those pigs-"

Ms Weasley hit him in the head "Don't talk about the muggles like that, Ronald!"

Ron grumpily continued stuffing his face with food, meanwhile the twins turned to their friend.

"So Marina-"
"We couldn't help but notice-"
"some spots on your neck"
"Would you care to explain"

Instantly Marina's hand covered her neck, eyes wide all the while blushing like crazy. She must've forgot all the spots where Remus marked her. "I- uh.. I-i ...fell..."

The twins were looking at her with amusement and a hint of mischievousness in their eyes. Ginny looked confused as she asked "How can you fall on your neck? Do you sleep in a weird position?"

George started snorting as Fred said, "I don't think she has been doing a lot off sleeping lately-" This time it was Fred being hit in the head by Ms. Weasley. "Fred, don't talk like that" She then turned too Marina while smiling "I'm very happy you have finally found yourself a boyfriend, honey. I hope he makes you happy" Marina smiled back, even though she knew she and Remus weren't long term, she couldn't help but like the idea of him as her boyfriend. Because he did make her happy, very happy in fact. She hasn't been this happy since her brother died. She quickly shook away those thoughts as she continued eating.

The last week of summer flew by extremely quick. Marina would spent her days with her parents, Fred and George or with Francisco. Sadly, Aurora was still in France and Oliver had been training with some 'fancy' Quidditch team all summer. Her nights would be spent with Remus, drinking loads of tea while reading and having the occasional sex here and there.

It was now two days before school and the Weasleys had invited her to stay at the Leaky Cauldron with them tomorrow, to spent the last summer night there. She had been told that Harry and Hermione would be there as well so she couldn't refuse. The only problem was that this would be the last night she would be able to spent with Remus.

So, she said her quick goodbyes to her parents, saying that she would be staying at Aurora's house, and apparated to Remus' house.

Over the two weeks she had been here, she had noticed that it was a rather small house, not in it's best shape, but honestly didn't really care. She quite liked it actually, it gave the house a cozy atmosphere.

When she walked through the door, she saw Remus curled up on the couch, taking a nap. She smiled to herself, only for it too fade when she saw the paleness of his skin and the bags under his eyes.

It worried her, but he looked so peaceful, she didn't want to wake him up. Snuggling against him, she decided she would ask him and take care of him when he wakes up.....

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳 𝘳.𝘫. 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now