ch6; the dementors

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Let's just say, Marina didn't wake up very well. It first started when she couldn't fall asleep last night, not being used to laying in bed alone. She finally fell asleep around 3 in the morning, causing her to accidentally sleep in.

If this were to happen at her home, it would've been no problem. Her mother would've gently woken her up and already have laid out her clothing and breakfast. But sadly, that was not the case. Marina was in the Leaky Cauldron, together with the Weasley twins...

Marina was dreaming about a little hut in the forest, which was completely over grown with a beautiful white flower, moonflowers. She remembers these flowers from when she visited her grandmother, they only bloomed at night. She would always stay out at night with Valentín to see the flowers in their full beauty.

In her dream, she and Remus where in the hut. He was working on a shed outside, which was going to be her atelier. He had taken off his shirt, due to the heat, and she couldn't help but stare at his scar-covered upper body and how beautiful he looked. She was about walk towards him, when she was awoken abruptly by a painful bite on her toes.

She quickly sat up, seeing a weird and hairy book biting her foot, which caused her to scream. She jumped out of bed, trying to get the little demon off her, not even noticing the two redheads rolling over the floor of laughter.

When she finally kicked the beast off her foot, it landed on the outfit she had laid ready to wear today, completely ripping it apart.

That is when she noticed the twins.


She grabbed her shoe and started chasing the boys, threatening to stick her shoe 'so far up their arse, they won't be able to walk for a week'.

They were running through the halls of the Leaky Cauldron, when they reached the stairs to the pub. The twins went down smoothly, but Marina tripped on a piece of carpet and rolled down the stairs, where she ended landing on her bum.

Absolutely vivid, she stood up slowly, looking at the rest of the Weasleys who had already woken up.

"Now, I'm going to take a shower and I don't want ANY interruptions, understood?"

The whole group nodded timidly, afraid of angering her more.

Through gritted teeth, she said "Good,
I'll be down in 15"

After a quick shower, Marina had calmed down and was back to her happy self. She had quickly gotten a new outfit from her trunk and was ready to go. Skipping through the hallway, she was humming a song happily.

O sonho é um desejo d'alma,
n'alma adormecer.

She arrived in the pub, where she found the group waiting for her to go to the platform. They all looked at her nervously, which confused her.

"What? Are we late?"

Hermoine was the first to say anything, "N-no, we are right on time. Are you ready to go?"

Marina smiled brightly "Yup, all packed"

The rest of the group eased up and started talking about what was to come of this year. That was until Mrs Weasley came in shouting for them to go.

When they arrived at the platform, it was crawling with students reuniting with their friends and first years saying an emotional goodbyes. It pained Marina, that this would be her last departure from Platform 9 3/4 ever. She quickly scanned the crowd for her parents, feeling in need of a hug. Luckily, she saw them talking to the Malfoy's. Lucius and her father may not have the same ideology, but they still worked closely at te ministry, so they just had to let go of these indifferences while being together.

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳 𝘳.𝘫. 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now