ch24; classes and catching up

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It was currently Friday morning and Marina was walking to class with Aurora and Oliver. All week classes had been extremely exhausting, every teacher was pushing extra homework on the students in hopes to prepare them for their finals. Now it was the last school-day of the week and the three couldn't wait to finally sleep in and relax. All they had to do was sit through one more day of classes.

"Ughh, I'm so bloody tired. How the hell am I going to train properly with all of this extra work." Oliver said while walking suspiciously close to Aurora.

Marina chuckled because, while walking behind her friends, she saw their hands brush against each other briefly, both thinking they were being discreet.

Ever since Marina had caught them in bed, neither of them had acknowledged it. Although it was quite confusing for Marina, she decided to not force her friends into sharing things they weren't comfortable with. She just hoped that one day, they'd confide in her. After all, they were here best friends.

Of course, in all fairness, Marina hadn't told them about Remus either.

"If you want I can help you, Oli", Aurora said.

A small blush arose on his cheeks and his smile grew remarkably bigger.

"Really? Thanks, Rory"

Still walking behind, Marina rolled her eyes at her friends third wheeling her for the hundredth time of the week.

Squeezing herself in between the couple, she said,

"Come on, we're gonna be late. We wouldn't want to keep Hagrid waiting, woud we?"

When they arrived at Hagrid's hut, the first thing they saw was Buckbeak tied in the front garden, looking very glum.

Ever since Marina heard what had happened with Draco, she was furious at Lucius Malfoy and the Ministry about how they had handled the whole situation. It was absolutely disgusting how they blamed the innocent animal. So when she heard that he might be executed, she completely lost her temper and yelled at the blonde ferret, aka Draco, for about an hour.

The rest of the class was already gathered around Hagrid, who- when he noticed Marina, Oliver and Aurora walking towards the rest- started waving his hand for them to join the lesson.

"Okay, let's start everybody. Today, we're going teh talk about Nifflers. Pesky lil' creatures they are. So before we begin, everybody take of yeh jewelry and put it in this box."

A Ravenclaw raised his hand,
"But Professor, we've already discussed Nifflers in our third year"

"Yeah uh, I wanted to teach yeh all about Abraxans, but I didn't want teh harm another student.", Hagrid said with a sad expression.

The whole class became silent, not knowing what to say.

Hagrid sniffed his nose, before clapping his hands together excitedly and saying,

"All right, let's begin"

The rest of the day was as boring as you can expect. All the teachers could talk about were the stupid N.E.W.Ts and the 7th years were sick of hearing about it. Luckily class was now over and Marina was sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Harry and Ron. Aurora and Oliver had abandoned her to study in the library, where Hermione was also at the moment and god knows where Fred and George were.

So that left her with Harry and Ron, not that she minded of course. She loved spending time with them, especially with Harry.

Currently, the two boys- who were sitting on the floor, in front of the couch- were trying to do their Divination homework, if you can even call it that. All they had to do was 'look into the darkness and see your fate in the shadows of the wall'. Basically bullshit.

Marina was trying to finish her Alchemy homework, but had a hard focusing as she was listening to Ron's dramatic complaints.

"I just don't understand how this is a serious subject. I mean, Dumbledore may be mad at times, but he's also a genius who would never give in to this kind of nonsense. Seriously, 'the dancing shadows of destiny', absolute bull!"

Harry chuckled, "I don't know Ron, let's just finish it and be done with it"

Marina, who was seated on the couch, behind Harry, ruffled the boy's hair as a way to show him that she was proud of him for not skipping schoolwork.

This small sign of affection made Harry smile happily as he continued writing down a nonsense story.

It was currently after dinner and Marina was in her dorm, waiting for her dorm mates to fall asleep sos he could sneak to the teachers' quarters. It the mean time she was going over the weird notes she had received in the last few months.

I endure myself for the sole reason of existence. Only then can I achieve my desires.

Why suffer, you might ask me,
when you have the opportunity to run away.
Because, i'd say, i do it for you.

It was wracking her brain, who could've send them. From the text, it seems like the person must be in trouble, but Marina didn't know anyone in trouble.

Her thoughts were interrupted by soft snores, the sign for her to go.

She quickly stored the notes safely in her bedside table and put on her fluffy slippers.

Walking through the castle at night had become quite a regular thing for her, something that 12 year old wouldn't een dare to dream about. All these nightly trips to Remus had surely helped her familiarize with all the secret passages and shortcuts. On multiple occasions, she had found the inscription JP+LE, which she thought was quite cute. Whoever made the inscription wanted to make sure everybody knew about their love.

She arrived at the familiar door and knocked on it. It opened not even a second later, a smiling Remus standing behind it.

"Hi", he said happily.

She giggled softly, "Hi"

He then looked into the hallway quickly, checking whether anyone was watching them, before letting her in.

After he had shut the door, he was surprised when she quickly took his face in her hands and connected their lips.

He, of course, responded passionately and wrapped his arms around her waist.

In between kisses, he said to her,

"God, I missed you so"

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳 𝘳.𝘫. 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now