ch22; full disclosure

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Love can make you do the most irrational of things, for love consumes all your rational thinking and replaces it with unrequited hope.

Love is that little voice in your head, telling you to drop everything, in hopes of giving the other even the smallest amount of happiness they deserve.

Love is that feeling of wanting to hold on forever and never let go.

And love is exactly what plagued Remus's thoughts, as he sat in his office, preparing for the new semester.

After Christmas eve, his mind had been constantly consumed with the longing for his Marina. Her smile, her voice, her touch.

The rest of the vacation was spent going over all the possibilities of how they could work out. But all ideas fell at the same problem; his lycanthropy.

Now he sat behind his desk, his heart rapidly beating with the thought of seeing Marina again. In half an hour, the new-term feast would start, meaning she would be at Hogwarts again. He, himself, had already returned to the castle after New Years, wanting to properly prepare for Harry's Patronus lessons.

A thought suddenly dawned upon him; what if?

After the months apart, he realized how much he needed her. Since the summer they had met, she had completely conquered his heart. He could already imagine how James would've teased him about how he'd basically do anything for her.

Of course, James was never one to talk after he pined after the same girl for 6 years.

All his life had Remus never done anything for himself, all because of a stupid werewolf problem. But here he was now, considering giving up everything for the small chance of being with her.

If he were to tell her about the lycanthropy, there's be a big chance of her getting scared leading to him losing his job, the first job he had gotten in years. He might even be captured or excluded from society, knowing how much the ministry hated werewolves.

But his heart overruled his brain, causing a sliver of hope to arise. Because deep down, he hoped that Marina would accept him no matter what.

So, he asked himself again;

What if?

After the train arrived at the station, everybody went back up to the castle. Some students who stayed during the break, awaited their friends with big banners.

In the familiar carriages, Marina sat with Aurora, Oliver and Francisco, like always. After their last Hogsmeade trip, Rory and Oliver had grown particularly close to Francisco, causing Marina to be very happy.

Finally, they got over those stupid house prejudices.

They arrived at the entrance and walked towards the Great Hall, while Francisco and Aurora had a frantic debate about the best Weird Sisters song.

The massive doors opened and they walked into the grand dining hall. The warm aroma and chattering of students reminded them again that this was their home. Marina gave Francisco a hug, before he walked over to the Slytherin table.

There sat Catalina, who excitedly waved at Marina and sat down with Francisco.

Marina sat down as well, but at the Gryffindor table, in between the twins. Of course, she also glanced at the teachers table, where she found Remus already looking at her. She smiled softly, which he returned gladly.

Though, he did look quite nervous, which struck her as odd.

She turned to Fred and George again,

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘳 𝘳.𝘫. 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now