PSA + Sneak Peek

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Ayo wassup, im alive. I dont think I will be for long, but anyway hi. how ya'll?

I've been writing some little scenes (cos I can't help myself and I can't get my mind off the story) and I have 30 minutes to write a whole chapter as I'm writing this rn. When this is published, I'm already working on the next chapter. 

If its not out yet, then I ran out of time... If its out, then it's either I gave up on writing it or i want to get it out early and just split it into several parts like what i did with other chapters

so yeah... hope you guys enjoy the next chapter (if i manage to get it out in time)

also, once this book's finished, are u guys up for book 3? i thought of a new plot for it. i feel like making book 3 would be too much, but if you would like to see that, then why not lol.

all i could say is that its inspired by Your Name and it'll involve Philip lol

and as the title says,here's a little sneak peek on what will appear in the next few chapters (cos I dont believe in my ability to finish all of this in 30 minutes lol):

It was 2 AM and Alexander was wide awake, still on Luca's computer. John was already in bed. He was trying to sleep but Alexander was typing loudly and it was really bugging him. He groans as he sits up, "Go to bed Alex!" He yells. Only receiving a simple response: "Can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" What the hell are you even doing?" John asks as he gets out of the bed and heads to the desk where Alexander is; resting his chin on his head with arms loosely wrapped by his neck as Aleander worked away.

John read what it was and he saw that he was writing a 10-paged Word document titled 'Apology Letter to Luca'.

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