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[Captivating title, am I right?]

I can't believe I just watched you type and erase titles for 10 minutes. I thought making titles was your thing

[I could put so many references that I don't know which one to use, alright?]

You should've just kept the "HEY BITCHES" one. That's more captivating.

[Shut up, Narrator]



Everyone mostly wanted to forget even watching the musical, Hamilton. And for obvious reasons. Gay turtle boi and the Ham-Burr duel. So... Even if it was amazing, and Alexander loved it, they barely talk about it. 

Perfectly, Angelo was scrolling on Twitter during breakfast time and he ended up choking on his Milo. He puts down the glass and coughs horrendously. Luca immediately got out of his chair and tended to Angelo, asking if he's okay.

Angelo showed him what he found on Twitter which caused him to have such a reaction. Luca screamed, "NO FRIGGIN WAY IS THAT REAL!!". He took Angelo's phone and checked the post's validation, and it indeed was real. 

Everyone else was confused as of what they were talking about. Alexander, who was following Angelo on Twitter, checked his profile - maybe Angelo retweeted this horrific post that the two of them are freaking out about. And he did.

Alexander read it out loud as everyone else huddled over to him to read. It was in Japanese, but hey - power of Google Translate. The news was about the return of the controversially popular anime, Hetalia!

Hold on...

*Pulls out the cross*

Yeah, thats better...


Hetalia is back after about 6-7 years of it slowly losing its spotlight. Everyone thought 2020 couldn't get any worse, but then suddenly Himaruya Hidekaz - the creator of this disgusting masterpiece - suddenly came back to life, got a Twitter account, and pulled out the ultimate "Plot Twist" card.  Now, everyone on Twitter is screaming at Himaruya for being so fucking racist because the newly added personification of Philippines is a male and not a female. Wait, no sorry... A W O M A N

Apparently, it's a sin to be a demon, aka being male. And calling the opposite sex a "Female" is the most satanic insult you could ever tell someone because it has 'male' in it. So now everyone hates Philippines before he is even being shown to the public (Just a little sketch of him taking a selfie with a tarsier while wearing a sailour boy outfit) because he's a man. 

For fucks sake, women. 

We know not everyone is like this, but more and more people are harassing men because they exist. The Author has been insulted a lot because he's a guy. Worse, he's being insulted because he is a male who went through trauma. And apparently, men don't feel pain, so him feeling negative feelings is illegal.

[Okay, I think we get it now. We better shut up before they track down my IP address and harass me irl]


Just letting the people know about the inequality problem worsening because of racist women. 

So anyway, obviously, they're confused about this. And like "Who da fak is this Hee-mah-roo-yah dude" while Angelo and Luca are freaking out. 

Alexander smirked and he thought of a way to get their attention. He wrote a post on Twitter asking what the hell is Hetalia and tagged Angelo in the post. Angelo noticed the notification of him being tagged so he looked at the post. 

So in a memey way, he replied with "It's the satanic parade where weirdos around the world scream about spaghetti."

Couldn't think of a better way to describe the Hetalia fandom, honestly.

Washington laughed, knowing this was obviously a joke. "Scream about spaghetti? I didn't know there was a cult about serving spaghetti gods." He joked. 

They all laughed, as Angelo and Luca seriously explained what Hetalia was.

"Basically, Hetalia is an anime about countries personified as real humans. The first few seasons were about WW2 and sometimes random tidbits of a specific country's history. But the rest of the other seasons..." Luca tried to explain as he glanced at Angelo.

"...Yeah, it's weirder." Angelo continued as he remembered a very horrifying dance that is canon.

"A new anime, eh?~" John goes. "Tell us more!"

Hamilton: Twist In Clockwork Fate [OC II Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz