Chapter 13: THIS PLOT TWIST THOUGH (2/2)

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Jumping straight into this - wow, what the heck... i sound like a Youtuber - the Hamilsquad were still confused so they went ahead and searched up more of it on the Internet. They opened some Youtube videos about it and about every single video that's talking about the return of Hetalia can be summed up with this one phrase: "WHO THE FUCK TOLD HIMARUYA TO BRING THIS SHIT BACK??!!". Funny everyone is saying this because most of the people that are saying this are also major fans of Hetalia.

"So... They don't want Hetalia to come back but they're happy about it??" Lafayette questions.

"Welcome to the fandom, friends." Angelo answers.

The Hamilsquad had so many questions about the fanbase, but Luca shuddered and said "Let's not talk about that..."

The boys have been in the depths of hell, of course they're not tainting the virgin war veterans. Or at least not yet, because we don't need a shipping war in the household. Especially being started by John, who gets overprotective of the characters he gets attached with.

Oh god, Author, it's midnight. Go to sleep and stop writing about the founding fathers reacting to your shitty anime.

[Stfu narrator]

Smh Author.


Anime night, here we go.

Binge-watching with some chips and soft drinks they go.

[edit: hey author from the future here. idfk what i wrote here. it was almost 1 am and i was chatting with people on discord about demon possession. yeah, i was pretty tired last night, so... sorry about that. i swear the next paragraphs are more sensible ig]

They binge-watched the whole series up to Season 6. And even the movie and the other tid bits. It was a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions actually. For the most part, it was hilarious but then serious episodes came and it hit more close to home when they watched the "America's Storage Cleaning" episode. The episode revolved around the personification of America planning to do some spring cleaning in his mansion. He started in his attic where his memories of the revolution was locked away.

There were many flashbacks of the revolutionary war which hit close to home for about everyone there - except Angelo, of course. Although they didn't expect to see England being the sadder one. There was a scene where America and England were at the battlefield, soaked in the rain. England broke down into tears as he threw away his bayonet, sunk to his knees, and continued to cry.

[Funny how I'm listening to a song called Echo by Jason Walker and the song just said, "I dont want to be an island. I just want to feel alive and see your face again"]

While watching all of the flashbacks, they sort of felt bad for England. In the anime, it showed a memory of when America was a little kid, England gave him a box of toy soldiers that England made himself - in which he broke his arm while sculpting the toys.

[Definitely not crying too while writing this, remembering America yell at England "I'm no longer a child nor your little brother" and how much it made England happy that people used to call him "Big Brother". Of course not!

*sobs* I lied... My heart died when little America fucking gasped as he was checking out the toys, and was like "Woah, you made all the faces different!!"]

While everyone here is having an emotional moment, Luca felt even worse about this. He remembered his time with King George. Although it was morely traumatic, he had some nice moments with that madman. King George always vented about how he was stressed and pressured about being king and carrying the heavy weight of the British Empire.

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