Chapter 11: Netflix And Chill

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Took you long enough to come back.

[Yeah. Now shut up and narrate.]

I thought you were going to tell them something?



Just cos you're listening to heartbreak French/German music doesn't mean you get to be free from your iconic disclaimers, Author.

[Ight fine... So uh, I came back cos I had some scenarios and shit I was excited to add into the story, but since i just kinda lost my motivation and all, I never got to. But then earlier, I was rewatching some funny videos on Youtube, then I saw one video which was sorta the reason why I wanted to add the scenarios I thought of (I know this may not make sense, but I can't tell what those are or else that'd be spoilers) so.. I guess I'm kinda back? Idk. As always

If this chapter sucks ass, pls dont get mad

There. You happy?]

Mhm... If it weren't for you coming back to write, I wouldn't even exist in the first place. And I know everyone loves me and would miss me dearly~

[No they won't-]

Shut up Author...


Welcome back everyone to the book! 

Where were we?

*Flips through papers*

Lafayette and Leerie...

Alexander being a little shit...

John "Weaboo" Laurens...

Washington getting co-

Oh here we go! 

Sorry everyone. The author hasn't really given me much to work with. Just scrambled pages of... What is this? Jumbled letters?

[It's tired writing]

Alright then... Jumbled letters. It's hard to narrate weird writing. I'll stop rambling now, and finally start.

So today was just another normal day. Chaos. Absolute chaos. Washington pulling out the fire extinguisher for the twentieth time today. Oh, you know, just the usual. 

What about Lafayette though? Well, him and Leerie have been having secret talks. Lafayette explained to Leerie what the hell was going on, and they came to an agreement of calming down and not aggressively trying to get answers about the new Miraculous heroes in France.Everyone's got their hands full all over the world, and magical Parisian furries aren't really that big of a deal at this time. 

[When you're talking about Covid while listening to a sad song about China-

(ngl, its such a beautiful song. please just search up "Hetalia Aiyaa 4000 Years")]

No one cares Author-

Speaking of magical Parisian furries though, because of Angelo and Luca introducing them to the anime that were based off these superheroes, it lead to them to have more movie nights together. 

#QuarantinedHomieGoals am I right?

They've watched a lot of movies, ranging from tear-jerkers to MMM ME GUSTA DROGAS Quackity kind of chaotic weird to really wholesome movies. Yeah, they've watched a lot. They also stumbled upon the Hamilton movie on Disney+. Nobody knew there was a musical turned to movie-ish thing movie about our beloved idiot Hamster Hamilshit but hey, it exists!

And of course, they all watched it together too. 

Funny thing is, Alexander didn't give a fuck at all until Lin-Manuel Miranda came out and sang "Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton and there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait... Just you wait~"

Basically, everyone was trying to call him to watch but he was too focused on arguing with little kids on Twitter. But then when he heard Lin, he immediately abandoned the computer and joined the others. As well as screaming out "GUYS OH MY FUCKING GOSH, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS??!!"

But they did. About twenty times each. But he wouldn't fucking listen.

But they only watched up until to Act 1 though. They didn't want to spoil Alexander's life, and the end of Act 1 was already traumatic enough...


Laurens Interlude.


But after some calming down later, Alexander and the others were aggressively questioning the "Me? I'm the damn fool who shot him!" line Leslie Odom Jr. had... 

Aaron didn't know how to answer because, of course, at that time, his dislike for Alexander wasn't as much as him wanting to kill him.

[And as Narrator said that, deadly screams of terror and pain from the depths of hell can be heard from my mom's tablet. And she says I'm the one who's demonic cos I was watching Spider-Man cartoons on the Disney motherfucking Channel on TV. Smh...]

Aaron just shrugged and repeatedly said "I don't fucking know!!" but each time the four horsemen of absolute chaos and terror - we all know who those four are - keep asking him, he gets more stressed about it. 

Good thing, Luca is there to slip into the middle and smack them with the featherduster.

"Fear the wrath of Luca's featherduster-" Washington thought to himself as he spectated from a far, remembering when he also got hit by it.

Hamilton: Twist In Clockwork Fate [OC II Book 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora