Chapter 8 : Relaxation Time or Is it?

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Previously on Beyblade Magic...

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"Let's end this Sutara" you whispered under your breath.


"Stellar Chase..." You whisper.

Sutara quickly sped around the stadium, resulting in her gain more power. "Wowwee folks! Sutara is speeding around the stadium at incredible speed! What does (Y/N) have up her sleeve?" The yellow and white bey closed in on Meloetta before bursting it in one hit.

The pieces of Melissa's bey fell into the stadium, following with a small metallic sound. "She burst m-my bey in one h-hit..." Melissa stammered. But you had the complete opposite reaction. A large grin was plastered on your face while you looked at your bey who was still spinning around the stadium.

"And that my friend, is the true power of a sorceress."

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Continuing on...

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Your POV

'OH GOD HOW DID THIS HAPPEN-' I thought while looking out own the large crowd of news reporters and interviewers standing outside the BC Sol building.

                                                   ☆.。.:*Flashback  .。.:*☆

"MATCH OVER! BC SOL HAS WON WITH A SCORE OF 3-0!" The referee announced. "Hurray! I won my first match!" I said while walking walking towards my team. "Good job (Y/N)!" Valt said. "Yeah! To think you would take the Melissa girl out of the park with one hit." Cuza said. "Tch, I guess it was okay." "Silas, stop being salty about your loss will you." "AM NOT!"

I chuckled lightly at their antics. "C'mon guys, lets go back to Christina and the others. They're  probably wait for us right now." We all went to the BC Sol club, in which they congratulated us. Just as we were about to leave the building with the other members, a random group of paparazzi and new reporters came running towards us.

"Miss Kristina, just how did you manage to get a Sorceress on your team?"

"Miss (Y/N), can you tell us what is it like in Majutsu-shi High?"

"Miss (Y/N), over here!" 

"U-um, (Y/N), there is any chance you have a teleportation spell to get us out of this mess?" Christina whispered into my ear. I thought for a moment in silence before I remembered the spell in my personal spell book. "OH- right ; One moment-" I dug into my bag before pulling out my wand and chanting the teleportation spell in my head. Once I completed the spell, all of us were inside the bus, all in our assigned seats. 

"Alrighty then, Bus driver, please take us to the airport please!" "You got it!"

                                           ☆*: .。. Flashback Ended .。.:*☆

'This is worse then that one time Etsuko accidently let the eight-headed snakes out of their cages, AND I JUST WOKE UP FOR HERAS SAKE-' I thought. I sighed while I ran my hand through my tangled and messed up hair. "This is not a pleasant way to wake up, is it Saplette?" I asked the fruit-like pet near me. Saplette simply nodded her head with a deadpan expression on her face. "That's what I thought, c'mon lets go get ready, we're already awake anyway." She let out a small squeak in approval as I walked to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌 (𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now