◘ Vice Captains Part Two (Request) - Sugawara x Reader ◘

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A/N: I had a breakdown in orchestra today lmao

"Hurry up Y/N!" Michimiya yelled at you. You were busy taking down the volleyball nets from practice earlier.

"Um, this is taking a while so you can go without me." I laughed nervously and turned around. Suddenly I felt a pain on my ear and found Michimiya pinching it tightly.

"OW OW OW YUI!!!!!!" I slapped her arm.

"Come on Y/N"

"What is your damage Yui?"

A/N: "Come onnn Veronicaa" "WhAt iS yOuR dAmAgE hEaThEr?"

"They are waiting for us you've been in here for almost ten minutes. Come on I'll have Aya take them down." She said, dragging your unwilling ass outside.

"But Yuiii-" You paused seeing the looks on the boys faces. "Oh...hi guys."

"Hi Y/N." Suga said emotionless. You looked down at yourself.

"Holy crap I'm still in my volleyball jersey. I'll be right back I'm so so so so so sorry."

Suga laughed a little seeing you scurry back to the gym. Michimiya rolled her eyes.

"Sorry about her. She always forgets to change."

Daichi laughed. "It's all good. It's the same with Nishinoya and Tanaka."

5 minutes later you came back in a simple black skirt and white tank top.

"Greetings and salutations." You bowed jokingly.

"Come on let's go idiot." Michimiya slapped your back and you fell down

"Ouch." Suga helped you up with a kind smile on his face. You felt butterflies in your stomach. Both of you realizing what was happening, he took his hand away.

"You lovebirds done?" You glared at your so called best friend.

"Let's just go eat. I'm starving." Your three companions laughed.

Time skip brought to you by my stupid ass making heathers references

You stuffed the pork bun in your mouth whole.

"God Y/N, you're disgusting." Michimiya looked at you grossly. 

"Mmmfdhsjfjshsjfdj" You muffled.

"Ew." Out of instinct, she grabbed Daichi's arm.

"Uhm..." Michimiya let go of him, blushing furiously as you laughed your head off.

"L/N-san, let's leave these two 'love birds' alone." Suga teased, grabbing your arm and pulling you away.

Your laughter disappeared immediately, as you were now the one with red cheeks.



You stared at each other awkwardly.

"What changed?" You asked.


"Why are you acting like this towards me now?" 

Suga looked away. "Well, no offense, but I always thought you were a bad choice as vice captain. Judging by the way people talked about you, you seemed lazy and did everything only half way. But then I saw you playing today and I realized that I was wrong."


"What about you?"


"Why are you-, well, you're not acting different really but why did you agree to come even though you hated me?"

"Well, I thought you were some really positive, outgoing type of guy, and it was really annoying, but I saw how hard you trained, even after you were put on the bench..."

Suga looked down, crestfallen. You hadn't said anything wrong, yet you felt really bad.

"Hey." You put you linked your hands. "Just because Kageyama-kun is supposedly some kind of 'genius' doesn't mean you aren't good. What I saw today was amazing."

"Thank you, L/N-san."



"Call me Y/N."

He looked down at your hands together. You let go quickly and blushed.


You looked into his eyes.


"HEY YOU HAPPY COUPLE!" You hadn't realized but you were both leaning in. Michimiya called to you two.

"GIRL THE F- I WAS ABOUT TO GET MY FIRST KISS ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU WANTED YOU LITTLE SH-" You heard what you had said and slapped your hand over your mouth. "Uh, I mean, well, uh, you see-"

Your three companions chucked. 

"Come on, we're gonna walk home now." Daichi said.

After he and Michimiya - who were walking away together *smirk* - left, Suga turned to you.

"Do you still want that first kiss?"


A/N: I lowkey wanted to end it right there, but I felt bad so yeah. Again, this is a request from RachelWritingBooks, Part Two. I hope you liked it :)

Coming Up:
Onigiri Date (Request) - Osamu x Reader

Receiving Practice Part Two (Request) - Yaku x Reader

Chemistry Class - Kuroo x Reader
Last Friday Night - Everyone (Not x reader)

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