➣Chapter 7

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In the next morning, she woke up wrapped up tightly in his arms, close to his beating heart. She felt so safe, happy and relaxed, and loved the thought of that he didn't leave early in the morning. The door was still locked, providing complete privacy, and undisturbed sleep to them.

In a few minutes, Jack woke up too, opening his mesmerizing deep eyes, and his sweet lips turned into a smile when he saw her snuffling in half sleep next to him.

"Morning, my luv." He said, caressing her hair softly.

"Good morning, sweetheart." She said on a tired voice, giving him a small smile.

They were both quite lazy so decided to cuddle a bit more under the warm sheets. About an hour later, they decided to get up and get dressed finally, and begin their daily duties on the ship. He was just putting on his boots when he noticed that Alyssa struggled to get up.

"Are you okay, luv? What's wrong?" Asked Jack worriedly, hurrying over to her to prevent her from collapsing.

"Nothing, just... It's just a little hard to walk right now." She told him, shutting her eyes down.

"It'll be the best if you stay inside today. I don't want them to notice." He said, and held her tight, giving a kiss on her forehead. She was resting there peacefully, feeling in the clouds, spending her time by embrodiering a fabric for a smaller table cloth. Jack often visited her to make sure she's okay, but all he told to the interested crew, that the lady wanted to rest today.

Sometime around the afternoon, she was startled by loud noises on the deck, hurrying footsteps, and shouting. She got up, and walked out to the deck to see what's happening. She didn't even need a telescope to see that the riot was caused by a ship nearby, the flag of which she immediately recognized as one of the ships of the English Navy, which may have been set in search of her, as the royal ships were not used to navigating that route.

"Jack, what's happening?"



"Why are you out here, sweetheart, you should be in our cabin!"

"What's happening?"

"The Royal Navy. They're here for you. And now we destroy them!" As he said these strong, confident words, the first cannon crashes were heard, attacking the ship.

"I want to help!' She stated, but then a huge cannonball hissed right past them, Jack quickly pulling the girl out of its way.

"You have to go inside immediately! Go, hurry!" Ordered Jack, and escorted her inside to make sure she's safe.

She could hardly stay in there, she was so worried abot everyone, but in an hour they succesfully defeated the English and the captian entered the door with a grin on his face to his faithful love. Alyssa wasn't so happy. She was, becase he was alright, but on the other hand, she had time to think about this incident...

"That's it, honey, we defeated them!" He smlied, pulling her closer to give a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm very hapy. Jack..."

"What's wrong, luv? What happened?"

"This incident made me realize something bad... They'll come back. They're looking for me. And if they catch us, you'll get hurt because of me."

"What? Luv, they won't ever catch us. I won't let them."

"I was afraid it would happen sooner or later, Jack... I need to go back."

"What?! Alyssa, did I hurt you with something, love, please tell me what's wrong."

"You've done nothing wrong. Jack, listen; this may probably be the hardest decision of my life. But I have to make it for you, and the crew. We can't hide it forever. And I can't bear with the thought of losing you. I love you so much."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑵'𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang