Chapter 33

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'Without you I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole'

Marco Russo

"No!" I shouted. Just as I was about to run to see her, Dimitri gasped and dropped dead in front of me. His head had a bullet hole in the back of his head.

I looked down to see that Ariana had fallen straight into Max's Lamborghini but still a huge pool of blood surrounded her.

"Don't worry, I got her." Max shouted as he put her body in the passenger's seat and sped off to the hospital.

I rushed down the stairs to go with him. Suddenly someone stabbed me in my stomach. I instantly snapped his neck and continued running towards my car.

I felt like someone had ripped my heart. The wound in my stomach was nonexistent compared to the pain I felt when I saw images of her falling off the roof and at the thought of losing her.

I parked my car and ran into the hospital lobby.

"Ariana Parker." I said to the receptionist.

"Sir are you-"

"Just fucking tell me which room Ariana parker is in!" I lashed out at her.


I entered the elevator, getting impatient. I pressed the floor button and leaned against the wall, holding my hand against my wound. My shirt was soaked with blood by now. Some of it mine and some others' .

The elevator door opened to reveal a man about to enter. He was taking his own sweet time talking to someone outside.

"Hurry up will you?!" I shouted at him. He flinched at my tone and hurried inside.

"Sir are you okay? It seems like you have lost a lot of blood." he said, looking at my wound.

"I don't care. No one asked you." I lashed out at him again. Just then the doors opened and I saw Max pacing in the hallway.

"Max, is she okay?" I shouted, running towards him.

"By the time we reached here she was barely alive. They took her in for surgery." he told me.

"Okay. Did you call everyone?" I referred to the ones who were with the Mexicans right now.

"No. Not yet. I figured Zayn and the others mustn't be done yet and I was waiting for you to get updates on Kaira."

"I don't know where she is right now. She was at the not so safe safehouse when Dmitri made me sign over the Mafia to his son."

"What?! You signed over the mafia to him?" I was about to reply a sudden pain in my abdomen made me hiss in pain instead.

"Nurse!" he called out to a nurse that was walking by. "We need you to stitch up his wound."

"I am going to go save Kaira. You be here with Ariana." Max started leaving the room when my phone started buzzing.

"Marco, where are you?" it was Kaira.

"At Kai's hospital. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Who's hurt?"

"I'll tell you when you come here." I replied and hung up. "Max! You don't need to go." I called him.

"What happened? Is she okay?" he ran back.

"Yeah. She'll be here in 10 minutes. Just leave a message to someone from the other team." the nurse finished stitching my cut and walked away.

"Tell me. What happened?"

"Dimitri asked me to sign over the Italian mafia to his son who went to the safehouse where Kaira is. He would drop Ariana if I did anything I wasn't supposed to. I called Kaira and asked her to give the papers to his son, he signed them but Dimitri dropped Ariana anyways. I can't believe I lost my mafia and nearly or maybe lost Ariana on the same day." saying this out loud made me want to break something. So I threw the vase across the room.

"Calm down, man. Ari will be alright." Max assured me but I knew he himself wasn't sure.

"I said I don't need help!" I heard Kaira shouting after a few minutes of silence.

Both Max and I ran to the door to see Kaira, covered in blood shouting at a nurse who was now cowering under my sister's rage.

"Marco! Max!" she came and hugged us. "What happened? Where's Ariana?"

"Dimitri dropped her off from a six story building. She's in surgery." Max said.

"Oh my god." her eyes teared up and she gave me a tight hug making feel a little relieved, just for a moment.

"Are you alright?" Max looked at Kaira's blood soaked clothes.

"Yeah." she walked towards a seat. "By the way, the papers Dimitri's son signed were fake. You don't think I would give over our mafia just like that, did you?" I felt a wave of relief. "When he was busy admiring the documents, I managed to text one of our men and ask him for help. They came, there was a bloodbath, we killed every last one of the Russians present and here I am." she shrugged.

"Let's go check if you are really pregnant and if yes, whether the baby is okay." Max led her to wherever the pregnancy section was.


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