Chapter 18

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Do you believe in second chances? Why?

Ariana Parker

It had been a week since Manya had returned to Russia. She had been updating us about Dimitri's moves ever since. She trusted me more so she usually called me for the updates. I went to Marco's office to tell him about a lead.

"I have a lead." I stepped in.

"Go on."

"Manya said that there is this man. She wasn't able to find out his name because he has a cover name but she gave me an address and a photo. She said he might be of help. Search it up." I told him the address.

"Fuck." he cursed. "Its a four hour drive from here. And that man has chosen a very convenient location, completely out of danger. The police station is just a block away from there and the area is surrounded by common people." he ran a hand through his hair.

"Okay. We'll find a way. Take some men and let's go." 

After a four hour long but kind of fun drive, we reached the location. We parked the car a little distance away from the given address and decided to walk the remaining distance so as to not look suspicious. Marco's men would be staying around unless we asked for back up.

"Fuck. He has a guard." I cursed as I saw a man standing in the gates.

"We kill him." Marco shrugged.

"We can't, you dumbass, this street is full of people and there is a police station nearby."

"Right. Then what do you suggest we do?" he asked in a fake sweet tone.

"Play along. Watch and learn." I  stopped blinking my eyes for around a minute. My eyes are a little sensitive. So, when exposed to cold air or AC, they start to water. Comes in handy in situations like these.

"Wow!" Marco exclaimed.

"Let's go."

When we tried to walk in, the guard stopped us as expected.

"Sir, please let me go. I am dying, I only have a few days left and I want to see my brother one last time." I did it again so that my eyes looked more glassy.

"Sorry ma'am can't let you." he shook his head.

"So go and inform him that I am here." I said planning to sneak in once he is gone.

"Sorry mam, can't do that either. I am not allowed to go inside."

"Please. This is her last wish." Marco put his hand around me and I felt instant goosebumps.

The guard shook his head.

"You will go to hell if you don't help complete her dying wish." Marco said which made the man's face go pale.

"I- you can go." he said and ran inside the cabin.

"Thank you" I said and went inside before he changed his mind. I looked back to see him sprint outside, probably running away.

"Well played." Marco praised as he knocked down the door.

"What do you- " Marco knocked out man in front of us even before he completed his sentence.

"Let's get this over with." Marco and I searched around the house for the man Manya informed us about.

"Fuck." I said under my breath as we entered the basement of the house. There were around 20 people meaning we were clearly outnumbered. The moment we stepped inside, all heads turned towards us.

"Who are you?" the guy who I recognised as the one she mentioned.

"I am Marco Russo and this is Ariana Parker." I sensed the fear of the people grow. I love this reaction more than anything.

"Now, you have a choice. Cameron here has some information we need. So he comes with us, you all live or if you put up a fight, we kill you all and take him anyway. You decide." I told them.

"You think we will just let our buddy go ?" a man stepped forward.

"Not really. And lucky for you, my hands are itching for a fight." Marco stepped forward.

"We outnumber you. Get ready to die." Cameron spoke.

Marco looked at me an I gave him a nod. This is going to be exciting as hell.

I removed my knife from my pocket and stabbed the first guy who charged at me. Then slid my legs under the legs of the second one, making him fall to the ground and slit his throat. Then took out the next and the one after that.

After sometime, when all the people except the man we needed were dead, we called some men and asked them to take care of this, without looking suspicious. We would question the man later.


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