34. Sloth in a race

Start from the beginning

“Luke?” Hazel gives me a confused look

“Someone’s coming,” I pull my gun out, she does the same “Stay close.”

Hazel nods “How many?”

I focus and my senses pinpoint the sound coming from just ahead of us. A singular heart beat. Some of the tension in my shoulders goes out.

“Just one.” I say

“One?” I can hear the suspicion in her voice “Wait, is it—

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Confetti falls over us and soon enough a familiar face comes in my view, wearing a familiar suit.

“Ah, Alpha Winters.” The man smiles pleasantly “The first one the reach this check point. Congrats!”

I hold back a growl. What monopoly is this? Why is the Alpha Supreme being so considerate? Or is he just keeping eyes on us?

“Another break?” I cant hide my disdain

The man looks a little reluctant when he sees my expression but the clears his throat “Yes, Alpha. If you will please, follow me.”

I glance at Hazel, she looks as irritated as I, if not more. The events of the last lodge replay in my head, I refrain myself from clenching my jaw.

Grow ass lustful Alphas to trail behind her again. Perfect.

But when she meets my eyes, a smile tugs at her lips, her eyes glint with mischief.

“Last one there is a puppy,”

And she’s gone.

I roll my eyes despite my smile. Didn’t I tell her she’s not the hunting type?

I let instinct take over and my feet automatically guide me towards her, trailing after our messenger. The next moment, my arms wrap around her and a surprised squeal reaches my ears as I lift her up the ground.

“Got you,” I say in her ear

“You cheated!” Hazel looks back at me, eyes narrowed “There was no deal about catching me. It was a race!”

“I still won.”

I put her to her feet and Hazel huffs, crossing her arms across her chest.

“No you didn’t,” she says

I open my mouth to say something but a cough interrupts me. Both of us turn our eyes to our messenger, who’s standing a little ahead, a small smile on his face.

“We’re almost here,” he says

We walk a little further and I catch a glimpse of a tower. I blink and squint my eyes to see through the thick trees and my vision remains the same. A tower made of big blocks of granite, wines climbing over it. we reach a clearing and my eyes widen at the sight before me.

A sky scraping castle stands before us, four towers stand at its corners, wild wines climbing over them in ragged lines. The front gates are made of the darkest wood, with heavy brass bolts. I catch a glimpse of narrow windows with tainted glass on the inner castle.

“Are you guys—” Hazel looks at me and our messenger “Can you see this castle? Or is it just me?”

“Yes, of course,” our messenger nods “All for a little fun. One day and one night in a fairytale castle.”

I raise a skeptical eyebrow, my expression as enthusiastic as a sloth put in a race.

He offers me an apologetic smile “All on Alpha Supreme’s command, Alpha. Please, come this way.”

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