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His hands nervously gripped the wheel of his vehicle. He couldn't help but speed in the streets of Japan, his foot tapping near the brake section in case another enemy was targeting him. He swerved to the left and glanced at his phone with a shifting red dot on the GPS. They were moving, and they were moving fast. Daniel cursed under his breath and leaned towards the wheel with stress flowing through him.

"You better be safe."


Chanyeol pressed his head into his hand with a tired exhale. He observed the scenery outside before focusing on the individuals in the car. Kai messily wrapped the injured leg the smaller boy clutched. Achlys was sleeping beside him, and he was still dripping wet with open wounds. The most they could do was prevent any more blood loss and get to the company faster. Chanyeol stared at the white-haired male and slightly frowned as he observed the small trembles that left his body. He laid his hand above the boy's shoulder, cringing once he felt the cold and wet blazer stick onto his palm. Chan didn't waste time and quickly removed the boy's jacket, leaving him in a thin white shirt that clung to his skin. He ignored the exposure of his well-built figure and curves that seemed to overwhelm his mind. He looked away while throwing the wet blazer at Sehun, who immediately complained. Chanyeol removed his top and draped it over the shivering boy. Achlys suddenly seemed calm as the warmth delightfully engulfed him. The taller smiled while lightly pressing his hand on the smallers back. He could only give the cold boy some of his heat in the meantime. Chanyeol looked up the second he heard the impressed male speak up.

"Shit. I can't believe he actually jumped off the highest floor. I'm impressed." He nodded with a smile as he stared at the Royals underboss. They have heard so many incredible and terrifying rumors about the boy. Some said he was a ruthless killer, while others argued that he was just a quiet hard worker. Some urged that the older was a handsome male but, others proceeded to add their guesses as to why the boy conceals his identity. After seeing him in their first monthly meeting and then constantly meeting him afterward, they could tell he was a competent and skilled member. He was a high-status male who didn't let the power get to his head. He was worthy of his title as one of the leaders in the Royals.

Sehun turned to Jongin before observing the sleeping boy's features. He squinted his eyes as he felt some familiarity come from the boy. It frustrated him that he couldn't grasp the thought entirely.

"It's not like he had another choice. Judging by the explosion, he probably got cornered." His words trailed as he turned to his boyfriend. Luhan played with the tips of his sleeves, his phone pressing into his ear.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you there!" He casually bid goodbye while turning to Chanyeol.

"He's on his way to the company." Sehuns eyes widened. He suddenly sat up straight and scooted closer to the blond with a shocked expression.

"He's in Japan?!"

"Yeah. He's been working at this new hospital for training. We got pretty lucky. He was asked to come to Japan last minute. His shift just ended, so he'll meet us at headquarters in like 30 minutes." Chanyeol nodded while feeling the car slow down. He unconsciously covered Achlys before the vehicle parked into the open space. He didn't want the boy to fall to the ground, so he made sure to protect the boy with his own hands.

"It's been a while since we've seen him. It'd be nice to eat with everyone once we go back home. Kai, check our surroundings before leaving the car." The younger grinned and opened the door for everyone inside.

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now