Reminders of the Past

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Sarah Beth~

After taking Scorpius back home and checking on Eleanor, we returned home, only to receive a phone call from Jeff. Ashley listened intently and shook his head yes several times.

"Yes." HE said a few times. "Uh-huh. Tonight? Dorian Gray? I'm not sure if... Well, yeah, but...okay. I'll ask her." He pulled the phone away and then turned to me. "Hey, Sarah Beth? Do you want to go on a double date with Jeff?"

"Um..." I thought for a moment. I really didn't want to, but it wouldn't be right. For the last two week I had made him hand out with my friends. I needed to make it fair and hand out with his. "Okay.. When?"


"Oh, okay then. 'I stood up and turned the telly off. That meant I would have to clean myself up.

"Yeah. We'll go." He put the phone back to his ear. "Dinner? Oh, it doesn't matter? At six? Got it. See you soon." He hung up and put the phone down. "We're meeting him at six for dinner, then we are seeing a movie."

"What movie?"

"Dorian Gray."

"Hm." I had seen a couple of previews for it, but I wasn't really sure what it was about. All I knew was that I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like it. But never-the-less, I sucked it up and smiled. "Well, I guess I better start getting ready." I continued to the bathroom door and closed the door.


A six o'clock sharp Ashley and I stepped out of the car and into the parking lot of a fancy looking Asian restaurant. When we first pulled in a made a fuss, saying that I had never eaten Asian food and that I didn't plan on trying anything new. He told me that I was being ridiculous and that I would be fine. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he laughed.

We had decided to dress in tee-shirts and jeans, hoping that Jeff and his date had decided to do the same. Inside the restaurant we saw that they were already there, waiting for us at the corner table in the back of the room. Ashley and I weaved out way through the maze of tables and slid into the booth when we finally got to our destination. I ended up on the inside, next to the wall, across from Jeff. I looked his date over.

To my embarrassment, she had dressed up for the occasion, although Jeff was dressed casually. She was wearing a silky, frilly green shirt that perfectly matched her eyes. Her makeup looked like she had stepped straight out of a magazine. Her hair was curly, but not frizzy like mine. It was the kind of curl that could only be accomplished by the handiwork of a curling iron. I enviously touched my crazy, out of control curly hair. Why couldn't I look like that?

"Spencer, this is my friend, Ashley." Jeff gestured to him. "And his girlfriend, Sarah Beth. "

"Oh, you go by your first and middle name? How cute!" She gushed in that 'I'm pretending to be nice to you' way that only other girls can pick up on, leaving Ashley as well as here date oblivious.

"Actually," I said matter of fact-ly, "My whole first name is Sarah Beth."

"Aw! Your accent is so cute! Where are you from, Sarah?" She gushed. I didn't like the fact that she was judging me and didn't even know me. I mean, I didn't do that (often). Who did she think she was? I felt my face get a bit red. If she called me 'Sarah' one more time...


"She's from Transylvania." Ashley cut in, sensing my anger.

"I thought you were from Austria?" Jeff asked.

"I moved there after I moved to Uruguay." I tried to sound convening. Ever since Ashley had introduced me to his band mates I had had to lie about my origins. One lie had stacked on top of another and I wasn't sure what I had said. I couldn't keep track of them.

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