Chapter 7 - Disturbance

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Chapter 7

We've been in the Intergalactic Space Station for a week now. Unexpectedly, the time that was passed here was actually quite monotonous, save for the strange tension in the air. We can't pinpoint it down, but the entire delegation from Earth, including the attendants, agree that something seems a bit off. Nevertheless, since we can't define it for sure, or take action against it, we just let it be for now. I think that was our mistake.

A beep came from overhead, which startled all of us. Usually those only happened while the conference was in session, which it was not at that moment. "Please evacuate the northwest section of the IGS. Repeat, please evacuate the northwest section of the IGS. A poisonous gas has been identified in the section. Appropriate action will be taken immediately. Thank you".

Our head reeled from the shock. The Northwest section was literally right next to us. We were in the west section of the space station.

"Poisonous gas?" Alina chewed on her lip worriedly. "The air in the space station is man-made, not natural. It is not as if they could release this gas outside. This is very, very bad."

Omar grimaces. "Makes you wonder how it happened. Did something in the air regulator go wrong, or was it intentional?"

"Don't say these things so lightly," Lidia rebukes him.

"In any case," I said, "I'm worried. It's rather close to where we are. Shouldn't we leave and keep some distance just to be safe?"

"We can't go anywhere unless the diplomats say it's alright to do so," Aimee scowled.

Mister Zhao suddenly enters the room. "Attendants! We are going to the center of the IGS to keep a distance from the gas and to find out what's going on!"

"As expected." Alina nodded.

We hurry to the center of the IGS, neatly in a file. Some other delegations were already there, wondering what was going on. They eyed us curiously. The screens in the center of the chamber lit up and text appeared, which read:

Medical attention has already been given to people of the Andromeda Galaxy's delegation. The situation in the northwest section of the Intergalactic Space Station is being resolved at the moment. Thank you for your attention.

A chill passed down my spine. I felt as if this situation was far more nefarious than a simple gas leak. I heard a conversation going on to my left. I turned my head subtly to look at who they were. It was the people from the Triangulum delegation.

"Does anyone know what happened?" I heard them whispering.

"No, not sure, but I heard it was Chloropicrin." Another replied.

I turned around to see if Alina was listening. She was. She nodded and leaned her head towards me.

"How convenient," She whispered in my ear. "Chloropicrin is used in the greenhouse of the IGS to fumigate the soil, as pests are sometimes carried from the planets and reproduce massively under the nice conditions. However, it is also quite toxic to humans. If this really was a purposeful attempt, then it really is quite ingenious."

She voiced my thoughts exactly. I remember from my history lessons that in Earth's ancient history, it was used in the first World War.

One of our diplomats cleared his throat. "Listen up attendants! They are calling for an emergency meeting of all the delegations. We have to get ready quickly!"

A chorus of "yes sirs" followed. Luckily, our section wasn't too affected by the gas, so we quickly hurried back to gather supplies and get changed.


Unlike the usual rustle and bustle of the attendant's quarters, it was rather subdued today. Quite understandably so of course, considering the circumstances. The attendants of the Andromeda Galaxy delegation, just like their diplomats, were absent, probably receiving medical attention.

I looked at the Sleeping Beauty Galaxy attendants. For a week now, we've endured endless scornful glances and insults from them. I'm not sure why they, in particular, have a vendetta against us. But instead of glaring in our direction, they instead looked to be talking amongst themselves, in hushed voices. They also looked very pale. That's right. If I remember correctly, they have an alliance with the Andromeda Galaxy delegation, and one of their allies was attacked. If I were them, I wouldn't be doing too great either.

Celia noticed me glancing in their direction. She narrowed her eyes and called out; "Hey Earthlings! Do you know anything of the attack on the Andromeda Galaxy, huh? I wouldn't be surprised if the lowly people on Earth would resort to such methods."

Lidia sucked air into her mouth, affronted. "How could you insinuate such a thing? As far as I heard, it was a leak from the greenhouse! And even if it were a purposeful attempt, the Milky Way Galaxy delegation would never do such a thing!"

I noticed Aimee standing in the corner of the room. What was she doing? As soon as she caught my eye, she made a gesturing gesture with her hand.

I looked at Celia. Her fury was focused on Lidia. "So what? You are implying that WE did it? To our ALLIES? How preposterous."

I walked to Aimee. She pulled us to the shadows of the room, unnoticeable by anyone. "Do you want to know what's really going on?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I replied, confused.

She looked around the room and upon finding everyone watching Lidia and Celia's argument, she whispered to me: "I found a place in the IGS where you can watch the proceedings of the meetings."

"No way! I don't think we are allowed to enter, though," I whispered nervously.

"Who cares! As long as we can figure out what's going on! Come on, go with me?"

"I guess, but Aimee..." That was good enough for her. She took my arm and dragged me out of the room. No one noticed except for Cio, who looked at us with an expression that was hard to decipher. 

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