"Yo, Picasso, Norbury and I have somethin' for ya," He calls.

"Really?" Janis asks, tucking her paintbrush behind her ear.

"Yeah. Um, Norbury got really excited when I told her you were trying to think of a good way to ask Africa and did a lot of research. They have a strange relationship. Anyway. She found this dope series of equations that spells 'prom' once it's graphed. Norbury said you can ask her during Mathletes practice on Friday using it, if you're into that." Kevin says.

"Oh, that's perfect. I'll talk to Ms. Norbury, I have a free next. Thank you, thank you, thank you," Janis says. "I owe you big time."

"You wanna design a new logo for my DJ business?" He asks with a slightly creepy wink.

"Sure. Uh, how long do I have?" Janis asks, pulling out her sketchbook to get going.

"As long as you need, I... um. Don't get many gigs. Also, don't fuck it up with Heron, please." Kevin begs.

"I'll do my best," Janis says, determined not to.


Janis heads to Ms. Norbury's classroom next, knocking on the doorframe. This is her plan period, so there's nobody else there.

"Oh, Janis, hello. Kevin told me you might come by," She says once she looks up.

"Um, yeah. He said you found something I could use to ask Cady to prom?" Janis says nervously. Ms. Norbury is one of the sweetest teachers at their school, but Janis always gets anxious when she talks to adults.

"I do indeed," Ms. Norbury says, pulling out a sheet of very complicated looking numbers and letters. "This looks like this, once it's been graphed." She flips the page over to reveal a graph with what looks like 'prom ?' in cursive.

"This is perfect. Can Caddy really solve this kind of stuff?" Janis asks, looking at the equations again.

"She can," Ms. Norbury confirms. "She's my MVP, so to speak. If you'd like, we have practice this Friday after school, we can squeeze this in at the end."

"That would be great," Janis breathes with relief.

They decide that Janis would drop by on Friday morning to drop off a few supplies, and then show up before Cady in the afternoon. She would hide in the classroom storage closet until Cady solved her graph, and then pop out with prom balloons and some flowers.

It's just tacky enough for Cady to love, and not quite tacky enough for Janis to hate. It's perfect.


Friday rolls around quicker than Janis is quite ready for. She wakes up two hours early to head to the party store and get the balloons, and then to the convenience store next door to grab a bouquet of pink roses, one of Cady's favorite flowers.

Ms. Norbury looks rather startled when she comes barreling into the room in a frenzy, but shoots her a wink as she stuffs everything into the closet and dashes back out the door to meet Cady like normal.

She's just barely gotten her breath back under control when Cady comes bouncing through the doors, auburn curls in a ponytail today. As always, she looks for Janis by her locker, smiling as she spies her and comes up for a hug.

"Hi, Jayjay," She says, wrapping Janis up tightly.

"Hi Peanut," Janis says back, kissing her forehead. "Did you take your medicines today?"

"Mmhmm! Did you take yours?" Cady answers. Cady almost always remembers, Janis almost always forgets.

"No," Janis answers, looking around as she pulls the bottle from her backpack as if she's committing a felony. She's not, but they're technically not allowed to carry their own medications. "Did you have breakfast?"

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now