negativity (pt. 1)

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Dear Astoria,

Albus Potter came over to see Scorpius today. They ran and caused mischief in the fields the entire time. Scorpius was so happy - his eyes were lit up in a way I haven't seen in a long time.

It made me feel good to see that. I was glad to see our son so elated. This summer has been lonely without your laugh, but not as lonely as me in the house alone without Scorpius.

I'm glad Scorpius has a friend. All I had was Pansy, Theo, and Blaise, but they were just as mentally confused as I was. I haven't talked to Crabbe and Goyle in years. They came to your funeral, but barely any words were spoke.

I am so happy I had your influence. I'm glad you showed me what it was to truly be happy. To laugh, love, live.

Laughing is underrated. Laughing releases the happy chemical in your brain. Did you know that? To laugh tells your brain that you are happy, so you feel whole again.

I haven't laughed in a while. Not a true one. Not the one where I bend down, holding my stomach because of the pain. Not the kind that's high - pitched, the one that brings tears to people's eyes.

Scorpius and Albus laughed a lot. I'm glad they had the pleasure. I hope that happy chemical went overload in their young minds. I hope they block out the negativity the world tries to introduce.

I think Scorpius knows how. I think he has the perfect blend of blocking it out, but also acknowledging that sadness is avail, but knowing that the world isn't against you. The world isn't made to be bad, I think. Too many people just want it to be. And that's unfortunate, but it can be fixed.

Can't it?


I made one of my three people cry. It's a good day.

Love, DracoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora