the things unsaid

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September 1st, 2019

Dear Astoria,

It's been a while, I'll admit. I haven't touched this pen since your farewell letter.

Did you know that I have a special pen for just writing you letters? I don't know if I ever told you that. There are a million things I never told you that I wish I did.

I never told you that I had nightmares almost every night of you or Scorpius never waking up from your slumber. Dead and cold.

Your eyes got weaker after you bore Scorpius. I said I would happily never have a child in the hope that you would live longer. But you wanted to be a mother. I cannot blame you, though. Scorpius is my love. He is the thing holding me onto this cruel world.

I am glad you were not there to see Scorpius at the train station. He was a wreck.

He walked off into the train, on the verge of tears, arm around Albus Potter. I couldn't say a last word to him. It was too painful.

As I watched him leave, none other than the Potters came over to my side. Ginny rubbed my back, like a sister would. Harry stood beside her, looking grim. He looked at my pain-stricken face, and looked down.

We were too hard on each other as children. I told him that. He merely nodded. They are coming to the funeral. Along with Albus.

They are too kind to me. After all I did.



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