healing (pt. 3)

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These triggers have to be found, and dealing with them is hard to figure out. It's messy, also. The healing processes depend on the person.

I also find that comparing oneself to another is making new pains surface. You see someone going this this this and that, but you're only going through this. They seem to have so much more going on, and therefore having much more buildup.

But the buildup does not matter. The things one has gone through does not matter in the levels of pain. We all process things differently. My pain is just as valid as anyone else's, no matter if they went through more or less than me.

Crying helps, too.

The sobs that have resulted are immaculate. I have cried over the seemingly simple things, but it is a reliever for a short amount of time.

I cannot express how much letting yourself feel is important. Cry your freaking heart and eyes out. Get up, and know that you are feeling better. Know that you can and will push through this difficult time.

Know that it's going to be okay, and that you are strong enough to get this through.


Surprise chapter!

By the way, I'm not stopping this book until at least 3 people cry, or reach 45 mins. I'm only at 8 fricking mins rn so I'm sad.

Love, Dracoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें