the comfort of nature

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Dear Astoria,

Springtime is approaching. The flowers are beginning to bloom.

The flowers are such exquisite beings. I have become fond of their beauty. I have found myself walking in various fields in my spare time.

The feeling is addicting.

I love the feeling of the petals glaze my fingertips. Adrenaline kicks in when the wind howls it's voice of reason. The cold chills are a strange form of comfort feeling my arm hairs trickle up and down has become apart of my routine. Hearing nothing but my own breath and the occasional wind is reliving.

The bright colors of the flowers bring a form of happiness that had not been avail for a long time. Growing up, I never had that comfort, but nature has proved to be successful.

I wished we had gone in walks together before you died. I would have loved to see your eyes light up when you saw those pretty flowers.

I would have loved so much more of you. I would have loved you until our dying breaths. I could only wish that those breaths were side by side, closer together for the sake of us.

I wish they had been closer not only for the sake of us two, but the sake of Scorpius, you, and I. These dying breaths are always a tricky thing to talk about. Dying in general is a tricky thing to talk about.

Have you ever noticed how people care if a fellow person dies, but not a flower? They pick up those clumps of petals by the stem and place them in a jar.

I suppose flowers don't have a thought process, or even experience pain. But when life proves to bring in the negative thoughts, it's nice to think about the outside.



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