the dreaded things

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PSA: I am going to stop adding dates to these letters; just feels weird with current times approaching. Hope this is not too much of an inconvenience!

Dear Astoria,

The house is empty without Scorpius, even more empty without you.

I can't sleep anymore. I am plagued with nightmares of you speaking words such as "I hate you!"

Childish, I know. But very, very real.

Although I know that thing would never happen, they are dreams for a reason. They are nightmares. Nightmares are never meant to be happy or feel-good. They are meant to engross our minds with terrible things that we fear to happen.

I fear the loss of our love. I fear the loss of you.

Although I guess you are already gone. Your funeral is in a few days, Scorpius and Albus  are taking off school to come.

I dread to see the pitied looks. I dread your receiving of friends, where I know people are coming to the comfort of you, not me. Nobody loves the memory of me. They love the one of you.

I'm sure they remember your beautiful smile, your kind nature, your eyes, your perfection.

I dreaded your death. I hope you greeted death with open arms, ready for the next new adventure.

I hope you do not look upon your son and husband and be filled with sorrow. I hope you smile at us. Because, we are still here, aren't we? That's always been enough for you.



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