Chapter 6- Icebreaker

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Not long after, Eliza returned to the room with a bag of ice and sat beside Kyra again. "Sorry about that. Just went to get some ice as I thought it might help with your head and any swelling". It wasn't entirely a lie. She did return with ice. But that wasn't the reason she left.

Kyra nodded with a small smile. "Thank you. That's very thoughtful of you"

Eliza's heart skipped a beat as she tried to hide a smile. That's the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. "You're welcome. I can hold it to your head if you want"

Kyra nodded. "Yes please"

Eliza softly smiled and gently pressed the ice against Kyra's head. She let out a small wince but soon got used to the sensation. Eliza's free hand wondered across the bed towards Kyra's hand and she softly and subtly stroked it with her thumb. Kyra glanced down and lightly blushed. When she looked back up, the two's eyes were interlocked as hearts fluttered in their eyes.

Jet and Yamcha watched this interaction and whispered to eachother. It was obvious the two girls had some sort of connection and both liked the other but if they left it entirely up to them, it wouldn't get anywhere. So Jet came up with a cunning plan.

He cleared his throat and the two girls jumped, quickly shuffling away from eachother and giving him their full attention. "Sorry to interrupt but it's getting pretty late and I think we should probably get some rest. Yamcha and I were just talking and we think the best thing to do would be to get 2 rooms to save money. Us two will stay in one and you two can stay in another"

Kyra nodded whilst Eliza's eyes surveyed the room, her eyebrows furrowed. "But there's only one bed"

Jet hid a smirk "Is there? I didn't notice. Well looks like you may have to share" Before the two could object, Jet swiftly left, followed by Yancha who gave a not so subtle wink.

Both of their faces were bright red. "I don't mind sleeping on the floor you know" Kyra offered but Eliza shook her head.

"You need to sleep on the bed after your injury. The bed is big enough. We can make do"

After getting ready for bed and changing, the two lay down, glancing at eachother. Unsurprisingly, Kyra was the first to fall asleep. Eliza watched her with adoration as she shuffled closer and soon let herself drift off into the world of sleep too.

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