Chapter 5- You're safe now

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Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she glanced around an unfamiliar room, letting out a small yawn and gently rubbing her eyes. As her eyes scanned the room, they locked with a pair of familiar, big brown eyes gazing at her admireably. 

"Morning beautiful" Eliza smiled softly and Kyra shifted away a little, not entirely sure if she could trust her or not just yet.

"What happened?" She asked, dazed and confused. "Did you drug my drink or something?"

Eliza couldn't help but let out a small giggle, a soft one that filled the room. "You're too gorgeous for that" she smiled, not realising that she said that out loud. When Kyra's eyes widened and her face turned an even deeper red than it normally is, Eliza quickly realised her mistake, her face turned as red as a tomato. Gay panic flushed over her as she quickly excused herself, cursing herself for being too confident.

Kyra watched her leave with a frown as Jet sat beside her, placing his reassuring hand on hers. "You just hit your head, that's all" he calmly told her as he began to recount what had happened, not leaving out a single detail. He was fortunate Eliza wasn't in the room or he'd be dead with the amount of detail he described the events in.


A loud thump echoed around the tavern and Eliza's eyes widened as she quickly jumped out of her seat and rushed over to Kyra. As she was about to fall, Eliza held out her arms and caught her. Well, sort of. Kyra was much taller than Eliza and Eliza wasn't exactly the strongest so ended up being squished beneath her. If it was anyone else ontop of her, she would be kicking and screaming but instead she let out a small sigh of relief, glad that she was at least able to cushion the fall.

Jet and Yamcha, who had been talking at a nearby table, were startled by the sound and ran over to help her. Yamcha gently lifted Kyra off of Eliza and placed her back on the floor whilst Jet offered his arm out to Eliza. But being her stubborn self, she got up herself, brushing herself off and refusing to make eye contact.

"Are you okay?" Jet asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nevermind me. What about Kyra?" Eliza started to pace the floor, thoughts and concerns for Kyra flooding her mind. "Oh gosh is she going to be okay? What do we do? It's all my fault" She slumped to the floor, holding her head in her hand.

The bartender tended to Kyra whilst Jet comforted Eliza.

"It's not your fault don't worry. And she'll be fine, I promise. We'll make sure of it"

"Are you sure?" She looked up, her eyes slightly puffy and a few tears trickling down her cheek.

He nodded before noticing her tears. "Eliza, are you crying?"

"No...I...shut up!" She hissed, getting up to her feet. "I never cry"

"You seem to really care about her. Why? You weren't this caring when you met us"

"It's none of your business!" She snapped. "I just think she seems nice okay. Now, are we going to sit here giving me therapy or are we going to actually help her?"

Jet sighed and nodded. He spoke to the bartender about something whilst Eliza knelt down to Kyra's side and gently squeezed her hand. And she could swear she felt Kyra squeeze it back.

Jet returned and him and Yamcha gently carried Kyra up the stairs to a room and laid her down on a bed. Eliza sat by her, refusing to leave until she knew she was okay

Present time

"She...she cares about me?" A light blush could be seen beneath Kyra's scales.

Jet nodded. "And trust me, she doesn't care about a lot of people. But don't tell her I told you or I'd be dead"

Kyra giggled and nodded whilst she dreamily stared off into the distance

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