Chapter 4- A fateful meeting

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Kyra slumped down on the bar stool, coincidentally next to Eliza, as she rest her head in her hands and let out a deep sigh.

Eliza heard this and her head pricked up. A little flutter was felt in her heart as the dragon born sat next to her and she was about to speak when she noticed her clearly distraught expression. She frowned and tilted her head, wondering what had happened.

"Brandy. Make that a double" Kyra ordered her drinks, her voice monotone yet hiding something in it.

"That'll be 5 silver" the bar tender nodded as just as Kyra was about to get out her money, Eliza jumped in, knowing this could be her chance. She slid 5 silver to the bar tender.

"I'll pay" she gave Kyra a small smile which confused Kyra. The bar tender shrugged, taking the money and heading off to make the drink.

"Um thanks" Kyra awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, not really knowing what to do or what was going on.

This tiefling seemed sweet and gosh was she hot but surely no one would be that kind to her for no reason. Maybe they used to but not since she turned. People used to go out of their way for her but now, they move out of her way in fear. Besides, she was scared she'd say the wrong thing and scare Eliza away like she did with everyone else and she didn't want that to happen. Instead, she tried to stay quiet. But maybe this girl was different.

"No problem" Eliza grinned, allowing herself to get lost in Kyra's eyes for a minute before quickly bringing herself back to the real world. "Hey are you okay?"

Kyra was a little startled by this and blinked a little in shock. "Um yeah I'm fine" she lied, glancing down at the floor. Her mind was racing with thoughts but the one she couldn't shake was that of the tieflind, her skin a soft and gentle purple and her brown hair flowing in the gentle breeze.

At this moment, the bar tender slid the drinks infront of her.

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Really? Cause people who are 'fine' don't tend to order double shots, unless of course they want to drown their sorrows. Most people don't drink actually unless they're trying to numb the pain. Plus looking down is a clear sign of lying"

"Then why are you drinking? Are you hurt?" Kyra's voice was soft and Eliza smiled, her heart fluttering again. She had only ever felt this way once before. She knew Kyra was the one. But she wasn't the best with people so how could she make her see that?

"Don't turn this on me. I said most not all. Anyways, what's up?"

"Nothing" Kyra glanced away but as she did, she caught a glimpse of her true self again in the glass. She stumbled back a little, her breath catching speed as she started to panic. What if other people saw it? What if Eliza saw it? What would she think of her? Would she be so kind if she knew the truth?

"I...I have to go" Kyra tried to run but her eyes were filling quickly with tears and it became hard to see. She couldn't even see when she ran into the door. All she could see after that was darkness

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