Chapter 3- A tortured soul

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Eliza frowned, scanning the room to see where the dragon born could have gone.

"Thanks for helping us back there" Jet's sarcastic voice jolted her back to the room as she grinned at her party, putting on her usual snarky facade.

"Oh you are very welcome" she sniggered. "I'd rather not die today you know"

Yamcha laughed, towering over her as usual. Oh but he was nothing compared to the dragon born. That hottie was a towering statue. With her bright red scales glistening in the sun, in Eliza's mind she was the image of true beauty.

"What's gotten you all loved up?" Jet playfully nudged her side and she blinked, realising she was gazing off into the distance with a smile on her face that very clearly indicated she had someone on her mind.

"None of your business!" She snapped, getting all defensive. 'Just hide your emotions like you always do' she told herself before turning back to Jet and trying to change the subject. "Anyways, I noticed a cute chick- I mean a dragon born," she quickly corrected herself as an attempt to hide her feelings, "with you guys. Who was she?"

"Oh her name's Kyra. We saw her sitting at the edge of the lake" Jet explained as Eliza smiled at the image of Kyra staring off into the distance, her reflection glistening in the water. "She's new to the party so please, try and be nice and don't scare this one off"

"I haven't scared anyone off thank you very much" She hid a snigger. "Where did she go?"

"Oh she just went to the toilet to clean herself up. She got a pretty nasty cut back then in the fight that you just watched" Jet rolled his eyes.

Eliza held back her own eye roll before nodding and straightening up. "Well, I'm gonna go sit at the bar. When she comes back, let her know she can come say hi"

Jet nodded and as Eliza head over to the bar with a genuine smile on her face, she glanced down at her left hand. Letting out a small sigh, she quickly shook her head and sat down, ordering another beer.

Meanwhile, Kyra was in the toilets, splashing water over her face to try and clean the cut. Thankfully it wasn't very deep so stopped bleeding fairly quickly. She glanced up at the mirror to check that it was okay and that was when she saw it.

Staring back at her was a beautiful woman, her white hair flowing gracefully.  Her skin was pale and soft. Her deep blue eyes glistened in the light. She was gorgeous. Yet she was trapped.

Kyra stumbled backwards in shook, glancing down at her scaled hands and back at the mirror. That beautiful girl was her, trapped in the dragon form. It brought her some comfort to know she was still there but also greatly distressed her. People used to instantly fall for her but now they were scared of her. A lone tear trickled down her cheek as she desperately wiped it away, clearing her throat. She couldn't let anyone else see her pain and suffering.

Blinking away the tears, she quickly left the toilets and head over to the bar to drink away the sorrow.

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