Chapter 28: Mindfulness

Start from the beginning

(Yellow Diamond) That's... actually a good observation.

(White Diamond) Well, I learned a few things from Wayne's mind. And he's a detective after all.

(Yellow Diamond) Right. And there's a good chance he'll be there, too.

She left to go at Central Tower.

Central Tower:

Yellow got there by sprinting. She got to the main entrance and defeated the rebels that guarded it. White was right, they're there.

She bubbled the rebels and sent them back to her personal chambers. She's done this to all the rebels she fought tonight. She busted down the door and walked inside.

She looks around to find anything or anyone. No one around. She eventually heard a voice from upstairs.

She went up the stairs and nearly walked into a room where she's clearly outnumbered. Each gem has a weapon that could be fatal for her. She listened to the conversation.

(Rebel Leader) All right, shut it! This is a conference about the target of the rebellion. The Batman. Our leaders were fortunate on gaining invaluable information against him. The Batman relies on fear against you. He wants you to be scared. He knows when you're scared, too. Let me assure you, there's nothing to be afraid of about him. He's just a human wearing a costume.

(Rebel) If he defeated the Diamonds, what chance do we have against him?

(Yellow Diamond) (mouthing) It was a stalemate...

(Rebel Leader) That's because the Diamonds underestimated him. He also relies on you underestimating you. Don't! Under any circumstances underestimate the Batman. He can and will defeat you if you underestimate him. He will also rely heavily on numbers being short. The shorter thw number of us there is, the higher chance he has to win. That is why when we establish checkpoints, we have a decent amount of gems to protect it.

(Rebel #2) Why do we have checkpoints?

(Rebel Leader) Because we use them to slowly but surely lock down Homeworld and monitor it. We use them to check where the Batman is since he can be anywhere.

(Rebel #2) But hasn't he dismantle our checkpoints?

(Rebel Leader) Yes, but we're going to reestablish them. Not only do we use them to lock the area down, but to distract him from the main plan.

Then, she picked up a communicator to answer it.

[Communicator] Change of plans. The Batman is here. Upstairs. Jade and Kunzite are trying to stop him, but they won't keep him busy long. Round up the soldiers and take them upstairs. Now!

It sounded like the Jasper she fought earlier tonight.

(Rebel Leader) Understood. All right, everyone move it!

Yellow was going to do a risky move that she always wanted to do. She makes herself present in the room, distracting everyone for a moment. As they try to redirect their attention to her after being briefed about Batman, Yellow jumps up in the air.

As she if falling to the floor, she emits a high voltage of destabilization. When she hits the ground, the destabilization she emitted turned into a shockwave that shocked everyone in the room and they all poofed instantaneously.

(Yellow Diamond) (panting)

She's never done that before. She felt proud and excited over what she accomplished. She took out an entire room full of gems within five seconds.

It took a lot out of her, though. It costs her energy to emit destabilization. Why doesn't she do this more often?

She heard a thud in the little small door over to the left of the room she's in. She could go upstairs to help Batman, but her curiosity got the better of her and she investigates the small noise from what looks like a closet door on Earth. She limps over to the door and opened it.

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