43- A Sirius Matter

Start from the beginning

"Oh alright..wait where?

"Courtyard, " he replied without looking back.

You got the newspaper again, but the twins and Lee had just arrived, so you couldn't go back to reading it. They were all ecstatic, and it seemed that something great had just happened to them. They were already talking before you could ask. "We worked out a few deals with a few students. So you know how we are planning on making snacks like Puking Pastille. Well, thanks to Adrian and Aurora, we were able to get a few customers with the Hufflepuffs and a few Slytherins," George excitedly mentioned.

"And Rogers said he'd get the message out to the Ravenclaws," Fred concluded.

"Wow, that's amazing. Great job, boys, but am I still going to be the first to receive a package?"

"Of course (y/n)!" they replied.

"Perfect. Oh before I forget my dad says he would like to meet you all." You handed them the letter. While the three boys were reading their letter, you turned your attention to the other three, hoping to learn more about the Rita Skeeter article.

"Is there any excuse for her to have written this? Or is it simply for the sake of it?"

"Well, Hermione confronted Rita over here shortly after she wrote that article about Hagrid. We were all at the Three Broomsticks at the time. Hermione thought it was a good idea and tell Rita off, " said Ron, giving Hermione an I-told-you-so look.

"Oh, Mione, this is bad."

"This is Rita. You're well aware that she's a  horrible person. Take a look at what she wrote about you soon after it was announced Harry was going to be the fourth champion."

"I don't disagree with you that she isn't horrible; she is. What I mean is that things could go terribly wrong. Harry has a huge crowd behind him, not that he likes it." In agreement, Harry shook his head. "They see him as the boy who defeated you-know-who. I'm sure the majority of them don't want to see him "heartbroken." So, Mione, be careful."

"It's a load of rubbish I doubt anyone would believe it." she finally responded.

"Let us hope you're right." You returned your attention to the boys, who wore a mixture of enthusiasm and nervousness on their faces as you finished your conversation with them. Of course, you couldn't blame them; your father was lovely and funny, but he had his Sirius moments as well. "So what do you boys say?"

"Course we'd love to go but um is George going to survive?" Lee asked.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine...hopefully."

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Anyways can you make a trip down to the kitchen? I'll go look for some clothing or a blanket. He may still be dressed in his Azkaban robes, I believe."

"Sounds great to me. "How much food do you think we should get?"

"Well, the letter says as much as you can. So as much as you can, Lee."

"Oh right," he said, returning his gaze to the letter. "Sorry, it's difficult to keep track of everything."

"It'll be fine. I need to talk with Cho before we leave. It's urgent, according to Ced, so I'll meet you at Hogsmeade."

"What is it that is so urgent?" George asked.

"I'm curious about that as well."

Despite not knowing what was so important, you chose to ignore it, despite finding it difficult. Even though the weather was warm, a cold bizarre would sometimes hit at night. You wondered how near your father was even though you knew that you'd see him at Hogsmeade the next day. But you were wondering as to how close he actually was.

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