Chapter 6

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I awoke to the smell of bacon cooking. I groaned and turned over, not wanting to get up, noticing it was only 9am.

"Dan you can't be long as we have to go into town to get the shopping" Phil shouted over the sound of cooking.

I mumbled an okay in response and I heard Phil laugh. I think I ended up falling asleep again as the next thing I remember is Phil shaking me, telling me I had to get ready.

"5 more minutes" I begged.

"C'mon Dan, I'll turn the wifi off and not turn it back on for a week" Phil joked. Now that got me up.

I jumped of the coach and shouted an okay and that I was up which received a laugh from Phil.

I quickly got a shower, got ready and ate the bacon sandwich that Phil had made for me. I was about to go and straighten my hair when I had Phil say that he preferred my hobbit hair which made me decide to keep it.

I was about to sit down and quickly check Twitter when I felt a hand hold mine and drag me out the door, saying that there wasn't time. I laughed and allowed Phil to drag me, enjoying the feeling of Phil's warm hand against my cold one.

We walked to the store, still holding hands, neither of us wanting to let go. Unfortunately we had to as we got to the supermarket so we could get the shopping. I walked around picking up all the junk food whilst Phil just laughed, put the majority of it back and got the food we needed.

Luckily it wasn't far from our apartment so we didn't have to carry the heavy bags far. We got home and unpacked the food. I grabbed the cereal and tried to hide it as I knew Phil would eat it all within a few days, when I felt Phil's hand against mine as he tried to reach for the box, laughing and blushing. I couldn't help but smile back at him. I really did love him.

I held the box just out of reach from Phil when he jumped to try and get it, causing us to fall backwards with Phil landing on top of me.

We both laughed nervously and blushed, looking into each other's eyes. Phil started to lean towards me and then there was a surge of butterflies as Phil's soft lips brushed against mine. It was the best feeling. Phil realised what he had done and started apologising until I stopped him with another kiss except this one was longer and much more passionate. I felt Phil smile into the kiss, causing me to smile too. I pulled away and we smiled at each other, blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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