Chapter One

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Chapter One

Kay opened her eyes. The room was mostly dark since there were no windows in the lower level of Freedom HQ, but she always left a lamp on when she went to bed so she didn’t hurt herself when she tried to find the door in the morning. Even in the dim light she could see that nearly everything was some shade of pink, with the exception of a few photos on the wall that featured a certain blue hedgehog.

Then Kay remembered what had happened last night and she sat up in bed, realizing once more (and still having a hard time grasping) that she was the prophesized Emerald’s Chosen. She would one day rescue Mobius from a terrible fate, and she wasn’t even Mobian (not inside, anyway). Kay remembered the looks on her friends faces when they’d recognized who she was destined to become. It had changed the way they acted around her, and it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since the truth came out.

Kay made her way to the door of her temporary bedroom and turned the knob to open it. She was surprised to see that the living area of HQ was completely silent and unoccupied. It must have been early in the morning. She had just set foot on the first stair leading to the upper level when she heard his voice.

“Good morning,” the deep, calm tone of Espio greeted quietly. Kay turned around to face him, taking in his tired eyes and realizing that he must not have been able to sleep, either.

“Hey,” she replied in an equally soft voice.

“Hungry?” he asked, motioning towards the miniature fridge with a nod of his head. Kay had a brief image of him preparing breakfast with only one arm after he’d been injured in combat with Eggman. She glanced at the shoulder that had been wounded, glad to see that the bandages had been removed.

“Not really,” she said with a shrug, averting her eyes from his golden ones. “I think I’ll go outside and…uh…think for a while.” She glanced back at him just long enough to see him nod in understanding. Then she turned and resumed her ascent.

Outside, the morning air was cool and the sky was a perfect mix of blue and grey; the sun was still coming up. Kay thought about how she used to never let herself get out of bed this early. However, due to the situation, she made an exception and sat down in the fresh grass, leaning her back against the outer wall of HQ. She took in a deep breath of air and closed her eyes, recalling the events of last night.

After Espio had confirmed their suspicions about her aloud, Valdez had suggested they all go home and rest after the long and somewhat overwhelming day they’d all had. No words passed between Espio, Vector, and Kay as they opened up a warp ring and returned to HQ. They’d all gone straight to bed. Kay knew that Vector wouldn’t speak to her for a while, at least – he was probably still upset about seeing her with Geoffrey/Naugus, though what had happened between them wasn’t what the crocodile thought it was. She also knew that he was no longer in HQ right now. He was in the city, taking a long walk and trying to clear his head. She could see him in her mind right now, no matter how much she tried to block it.

It was Espio she was concerned about. He’d been acting strangely ever since the idea of her being the Emerald’s Chosen was presented. He’d gone from being suspicious of her to completely intrigued in seconds, and he was acting different around her. Kay didn’t like it at all. She wished her friends would treat her like they did before she’d begun having her visions. Things were much simpler then. Well…simpler except for the fact that Eggman kept coming after her.

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