Chapter Sixty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Where did you learn to kiss like that?"

Without missing a beat, Luka left Zhang's bag in the hallway and grabbed his hand instead. While walking towards the kitchen, Luka spoke in a frank voice, as if what he was saying was normal.

"Bao likes to make out with Nakai when he thinks no one is in the room."

. . . . . . . .

As Nakai drove to the docks, Wang Bao felt incredibly small while sitting beside him, not because of any issues within the relationship, but because although the car was a simple sedan, it was twice as wide and tall as the ones in Man country. Wang Bao found that even his feet couldn't touch the floor properly, and were left to dangle over the edge as if he was a small child. When looking at Nakai, Wang Bao could see there was only just enough space for him to sit comfortably, if the seat was any close to the wheel, then Wang Bao was sure that Nakai would be bent awkwardly. When they arrived at the docks, the only clue Wang Bao had to see that they had arrived was when Nakai turned the car off. He didn't notice during the short drive, but because Wamg Bao hadn't raised the base of his seat, he wasn;t able to see out of the windows properly. Exiting the car, Wang Bao followed Nakai as he looked around for the boat they would be travelling in. He had thought they would be taking another private charter or ferry like they had with Captain to get to the small island, but when Nakai stepped into a motorboat, he realised Nakai would be driving them.

As soon as Wang Bao stepped down into the boat, he sat in the passenger seat beside the driver's seat, and waited patiently for Nakai to pull away from the docks. The sun was barely peeking over the tall mountain behind them, giving the sky a gradient effect. Although it had already been a while since they left the house, Wang Bao only commented on Zhang's absence when Nakai sat beside him.

"You knew Zhang would stay, didn't you?"

At first, Nakai only grunted in agreement with Wang Bao, but after starting the boat, he explained in further detail with a loud voice.

"Zhang has always been an open book. I knew he would choose to stay as soon as Luka said he wasn't leaving Mika. I didn't expect them to be so stubborn though...Do you think your stubbornness rubbed off on them?"

Wang Bao instantly felt his face darken, causing Nakai to laugh. With not much else to talk about, Wang Bao quickly grew bored of the open ocean surrounding them, looking around the boat in the hopes of passing time, Wang Bao noticed Nakai had carried three bags. Curious and hungry, Wang Bao knelt on the floor behind Nakai's chair to search through the mysterious bag, and was more than pleased to find containers filled with all of the pastries he had told Nakai about. Searching through the bag some more, Wang Bao found his absolute favourite pastry dessert, a mix of aromatic nuts that were stuffed between delicate flaky pastry then doused in a delicate honey syrup. Since they hadn't eaten breakfast yet, Wang Bao continued looking through the bag to see if Nakai had packed anything savoury, and it wasn't long before he found a large container of meat and salad sandwiches. With both hands holding a container, Wang Bao returned to his seat. After opening the sandwich container, Wang Bao first handed one to Nakai before grabbing one for himself. He could see there were four six sandwiches inside, and figured he would leave the other four for their lunch. Wang Bao didn't know how long the trip would take, but he knew they would be on the water for a while. As soon as Wang Bao finished his sandwich, he moved onto opening the container with his favourite dish.

Because Nakai had used a large sheet of flaky pastry to make the sweet dish, Wang Bao was pleased to see the sheet had been cut into finger sized pieces before hand, allowing him to easily pull himself a piece, and start munching. When Wang Bao finished his first piece, he reached in to grab another to pop inside his mouth, but before his hand could pull back, he felt a strong gaze burning into the side of his head. Wang Bao slowly turned and saw Nakai was looking at him with an expectant glare, almost instantly Wang Bao laughed under his breath, but held the sweet pastry out for Nakai to take anyway. While the couple snacked on the large bag full of food intermittently, times passed by slowly. By the time mid day rolled around, Wang Bao felt he would be able to take much more being out at sea with nothing around them, but before he could start complaining about how long the trip was taking, Wang Bao could see a faint outline of a large land mass in front of them. The outline was too faint for Wang Bao to trust, and he quickly asked Nakai if they were close. With a simple yes, Wang Bao was given his answer.

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