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"So... you and Liz, hm?" Nikki bumped Brie's left shoulder, smiling fondly at her friend, who was blushing and looking down embarrassed at her hands.

"Don't be mad please."

"About what?"

"That I didn't tell you about us. We're best friends and we tell each other everything, but it's been just a couple of weeks and we wanted to be sure of what we had and what we wanted, to make it official. I should've at le-" Nikki chuckled softly while looking at her fondly, interrupting Brie mid-sentence, who was staring at her best friend confused, "what?"

"Y'know it's really cute... you rambling and having feelings."

"I do not do such things."

"Oh you do and I find all of that really cute."

"Shut up." Brie pushed Nikki slightly, making the brunette stumble a little but her laugh got louder.

"Why does Nikki have to shut up? I mean we would all be really happy if she shuts up, but why?" Hailee asked while walking towards the two best friends outside the café with Lizzie, both carrying two cups of coffee, sitting beside her girlfriend while Liz sit beside Brie, both handing the two best friends their orders.

"Hey! I thought you were on my side!" Hailee chuckled and pecked her lips sweetly, Nikki's frown quickly changing into a big smile.

"Well at least you shut her up." Brie smirked and dodged Nikki's punch, chuckling softly.

"Like you don't need to shut up from time to time." Elizabeth chimed in with a smug smirk, staring down at a pouting Brie, "oh don't be a baby, it's true!" She chuckled and suppressed the urge to peck Brie's lips as well.

"Thank you! Finally someone that is on my side and agrees with me!" Nikki leaned over the table and high-fived Lizzie, making her laugh louder, Hailee joining too, Brie's shocked face with her mouth open was too hilarious to not laugh.

"I can't believe it! It's your last day here, you guys have the entire day filled with interviews and we're spending the morning making fun of me!"

"As it should be." Nikki mumbled before taking a sip of her coffee but Brie prevented her to when she slapped the back of her head, making her bump her nose on the cup. "Hey!" She gazed at Brie down with an hard stare, the blonde looking back at her with a smug smirk and a challenging eyebrow up.

"Stop it, you two big babies. We have tonight too..." Liz trailed off, watching Brie nod proudly at her for backing her up, then the blonde continued, " make fun of you more." Elizabeth screeched when Brie slapped her shoulder lightly, Hailee and Nikki laughing blissfully at their friends' banter, happy that they found each other.


"My mom is calling me, do you guys mind if I take the call in our room? I'll see you tomorrow morning before our flight!" Hailee got up from her chair, looking at their friends with guilt in her eyes.

"No, go ahead. We'll see you tomorrow morning." Brie smiled at her, Lizzie doing the same and waving at the younger girl.

"I'll stay here a few more minutes and I'll be there soon after."

"Don't worry babe." Hailee leaned down to peck her girlfriend's lips and smiled warmly before walking away towards the door, "hey mom..." Hailee answered the phone while opening Brie's and Lizzie's door and walking out of the room.

Nikki looked at Hailee leaving the room and when she turned around she saw her friends looking at her with big smirks on their faces, "what?"

"You're whipped." They talked at the same time and high-fived the other without taking their eyes off Nikki, who rolled her eyes at them, trying to cover up her blush and trying to change the subject.

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