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Note-we are still in the flashback


I woke up to the sound of my alarm and did my daily routine and then changed into this

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and did my daily routine and then changed into this

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after having our breakfast we went in Different directions. on the way I was just very excited for the upcoming event and the preparations for the event.
soon my classes started.
Now it was break and while I was packing my bag and on my way to the hallway to meet my friends, I bumped into a person where all his papers were scattered here and there,
"I'm sorry I did not mean to do that I'm sorry" I apologized and started picking the papers
"can't you look while you're walking??" He said angrily
"sorry but I did not mean to" I said giving him his papers..
"Don't know how to respect your seniors??" The person beside him said
"Sorry... Sir?" I said
"Let's just teach her a lesson!" Both the boys looked at each other...
I crunched my eyebrows in confusion
"Stop it Chanyeol!" A voice commanded
"Oh! Come! Join us Hoseok let's have fun with her!" Chanyeol said as I looked at him angrily...
"I said leave her Chanyeol" he said looking into his eyes...
"Fine! But If I find you again I will not leave you!" He said leave looking at me..
After they left ...
"Thanks.." I said
"That's it?" He said tilting his head..
Gosh! Even him???
"Thank you sir?" I said uninterested
"Oh no I was asking for your name.."
"Oh, I'm y/n"
"Hello y/n, I'm Hoseok!" He said smiling
"I knew that" I murmured
"Huh? What?" He asked in confusion
"Uh, nothing... Nice meeting you Hoseok..." I said
"Ok then I'll see you... Bye!" Saying he ran into the collidoor
He'll see me?
I just shrugged and went to the hallway near my friends.
"What took you so long y/n?" Jimin asked
"Nothing! Just something came up on my way.." I said
"No problem! Just remember after the break We have to enroll our names..." Arin said
"Ya, I hope we all can be in a group..." IU said
Soon bell rang and we went to our classes..

Hoseok's POV

I was just smiling by remembering her name... Y/n.... Nice name... She even looks pretty today...
"Why are you laughing like a crazy person??" Jin asked
"It's nothing just leave it" I said
"Just spill It out!" Yoongi said..
"I just met her and got to know her name.." I said rubbing my neck
"Ahahh~~ so you talked with your crush huh?" Jin teased me...
"Ya... Her name is y/n!" I said
"Wow! Nice name.." Jin commented..
Soon our lecture started...
My thoughts were just filled with her...
Just then we got an announcement
We all immediately went there and stood along with our juniors.
"So students I'm Ms.Ana, I will be assisting you guys with the event works..
So I will be dividing you all in 5 teams and 2 supervisors.
So who are interested in supervising can raise their hand"
I'm not into these supervising because we have to roam along the teacher all the time informing that and this...
But when I saw y/n raising her hand, my hand unintentionally raised...
"Ok so.... Y/n right? Yeah come here... And .... You... I guess Hoseok? Come here... And students I will divide you guys later just be ready for the works you guys have to do..." She said
"You both come with me.." she instructed us..
"So you both need to help all the teams and report me thier works and sometimes have to buy the supplies and have to gather information... Is that alright to you guys?" She asked..
"Yes ma'am!" Y/n said
"Yes ma'am" I replied
"Great so we will be starting from tomorrow now go to your classes..." Ms.Ana said

(A/n - Little did they know that someone was not happy with this and was worried...)


After my classes, I packed my bag and was going to cafeteria with Ji-young, on my way suddenly Hoseok stood in front of me,"you have to come with me after the classes"
"Ma'am said she want us to buy some supplies, don't worry it'll take only 15 min"
"Ok " I said smiling
He smiled and went but my heart was beating fast...why?? I think it's because of the closeness... I just shrugged and went to cafeteria.

~~In the cafeteria~~

All were talking about the event, but I was just thinking about Hoseok...
"Y/n!!??? What are you thinking????" Taehyung shaked me..
"Uh.. nothing" I said
"It's about Hoseok?" Ji-young asked
"What did he do??" Jimin asked..
"Nothing, but they will be meeting soon.." Ji-young said with a kind of smirk on her face
"Why??" Taehyung asked
"As they are supervisors... They will have to meet often... Right y/n??" Arin said looking at me
"Huh! Ha..ya?" I said without any clue..
They just chuckled...
Yoongi said he is not so good... But he seems to be good...let's see... I will be spending time with him for more than a month....let's see....

A/n -
Will yoongi do anything? How will this go? Will y/n fall for hobi? Stay tuned to know!

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