Normal Part 2

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Hello dear readers here's part 2! Hope you enjoy 😊

It has been a week and the Quidditch match on Sunday. It was Friday morning and I am already late for Transfiguration. Bloody hell, why does Sirius take so long in the bathroom! I mentally scolded at him for being such a perfectionist when it comes to his appearance. Finally the bathroom door opens and we leave for class. Remus being the kind person he is waited for us, we also might have begged him to stay so Mcgnagall didn't give us detention. After some pestering and saying we would buy him chocolates for a week he agreed.
——Time Skip——
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, and Mr. Lupin, your late and would I really want to hear your explanation this time." Said Mcgnagall her eyes following our movement. She's my favorite teacher.
"Yes Minnie you would love to hear it!" Sirius said with glee as he approached his desk. We gave her that nickname in second year when we had detention and she noticed Sirius wasn't well; she allowed him to call her Minnie. He only calls her that when he's in a good mood. She knows that so no matter how much it might bother her, she's probably glad he's happy.
"Professor maybe another time, since it isn't appropriate now." Remus said also going to his seat. He's acting like we killed somebody! It was just Padfoot taking is sweet time getting ready.
"Okay tell me after class but one more time and that will be detention." She gave us a stern look and continued teaching. We looked at each other and knew there would be another time. Hopefully not soon though, the quidditch match is coming up. Can't miss a practice especially since I am the captain! I look over to see an uninterested Lily looking at the board getting started on work. Wow she looks so pretty. But she never notices me. After class we explain to McGonagall why we were late. She looked at use like we were bluntly lying to her face, but once Sirius showed her his 15 step hair care routine she stopped question us. Once that was finished Rae and Lily met up with us at the bottom of the stairs to go to lunch when Avery's bunch passes us. For the love of Merlin! Can't they leave us alone.
"Oi! Silverstein don't forget our deal! Your walking on thin ice!" What deal?! Rae said she wasn't on there side, so what in the bloody hell are they talking about?
"That's it!" Sirius was walking towards them but I remember when Lilly said we didn't even try calm him down. This time I will.
"Sirius no their just being stupid." Right, lets give Rae the benefit of the doubt. It's just a joke to get me siked up before the match. I give Sirius a warning look, he better not cause trouble we promised to wait. We continue to walk to the great hall in awkward silence. No one spoke we just all thought about what was said silently.
"Hey I am going to go to the library, to do some homework and if I see trouble I will run right to the dorm." We barely begin to eat and it was the first thing said, obviously Rae was feeling uncomfortable. I mean who wouldn't be, especially because of what's happened in the past with them and us.
"I will come with you." Lily? You too, huh what are the planning? I mean there friends but... I have a weird feeling about this.
"I need to go alone." Oh, no what's Rae planning, she's not going to talk to them is she?
"Okay, be careful Rae." Lily seemed concerned. I wanted to talk with Lily to make sure she was doing okay, but I don't think she'll even take my advice. I could feel the tension growing.
"You sure Rae?" Sirius looked at her almost hopeful that he could convince her otherwise with those few words.
"Positive." She said that's with no hesitation, whatever she needs to do must be important.
With Rae gone we all went silent, eventually Peter and Lily begin to talk about the Transfiguration paper. Sirius was babbling about how he really wants to get a motorcycle, but I wasn't really listen. Instead I glanced over at Remus and he looked awful. He was starting at the pages as if they were blank.
"'Oi, you alright there mate?" I give Remus a concerted looked as his head shoots up. Sirius stopped talking as did Lily and Peter, we all looked over at him.
"Um..Yeah.. I just I'm a bit tired." He scratched the nape of his neck and gave a sheepish smile.
"You don't look so good, you sure?" What's he hiding from us? I thought as Lily got up and went over to Remus, she gave him a small hug. I got a little jealous but remembered that Remus and Lily were only friends. But still... I longed to get one, just one of those hugs. Maybe one day.
——Time Skip——
Still concerned with Remus' well being we brought him the the nurses office, but the nurse said he was fine just needed rest. So we all went to their dorm and as the great friends we are, we all went to sleep. Remus woke me up and asked with that classic smile of his if he could sleep in my bed. He told me he got a bad nightmare and wanted company. Whenever Sirius stayed over he had the same problems, so I obviously let him. I soon fell asleep dreaming about the beautiful Lily Evans.
——Time Skip——
I woke up to see a dog sitting next to me. As soon as I moved it perked its head up head transformed back to Sirius. He shook me as if I wasn't already awake.
"Oi, get up! We got to go hurry up!" Why was he yelling so early in the morning. I go put on my glasses and see that breakfast is almost over.
"Fine okay I will get up." I was still to sleepy to react in anyway so I got up and got ready.
"Good cause Rae and Evans called us down to breakfast." Lily... why would she need to call us down to breakfast, and Rae. What could be so important?
"Is that were Remus and Peter are?" I noticed they weren't there when I didn't here Remus pester me on how late we are, and when I didn't see Peter rummaging around to find something to eat.
"Yes so we better hurry up!" He was getting inpatient, could he know what this fuss is all about? He likes breakfast a lot, and it could be because there's bacon today.
"Okay I going as quick as I can here." I decided not to ask him if he knew anything, I don't feel like knowing just yet. We went down to the great hall and met up with everyone.
"What took you so long." Remus looked at us clearly annoyed. He totally would have had us down here quicker.
"He wouldn't get up." He was so not buying Sirius' excuse, but it was just going to have to do because it was the truth.
"So... your probably wondering why we called you down to breakfast." We all looked over to see Lily and Rae, they looked upset. I don't like seeing Lily upset, pains me every time.
"We-" Lily begin to speak but she couldn't even look at us.
"Can you say it?" She gave Rae a pleading look and Rae nodded. What's going on!
"Okay we're not going to the game." I felt my heart drop, I could feel Sirius staring at me. Her words playing over and over in my head.
"Oh your not." I tried my best to not sound upset, or annoyed they probably have a good reason.
"Since I got the threat from them in the hallways, I feel that it would be best if I didn't go." She gave me an apologetic smile. I gave a nod, still in shock from the whole situation. Lily never missed a match, I now this because she went with Remus.
"I thought I should join her so she has company. Also so you guys could watch the game in peace." She looked at me in the eyes, first time she did that for this entire conversation. But she quickly looked away realizing what she did.
"Trust me I really want to see that Quitditch game." Rae assured me that she and Lily both wanted to go, but I still wanted them to actually be there.
"No I understand." I gave a strong smile to let them know I am fine with it, but am I feeling okay with the love of my life(crush) and a new friend not being at my quidditch game. I don't know.
"Cheer up mate will still be there." Sirius must sense my uneasiness, he gave me a small part on the back and a smile.
"Yeah, we have to go to Herbology see you in Transfiguration." Lily and Rae stood up and walked towards the door.

Hello readers, I am so sorry for taking so long to update. I just haven't found the motivation to do so. Anyway hope you like the story so far!
Word count: 1574

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